Art Deco Antique Silver Plated

Found 631 For Sale and Sold    ( 102 for sale  529 sold )  
Luc Lanel For Christofle - Ondulations Ice Bucket £495 $619.89   €594.15 Luc Lanel For Christofle - Ondulations Ice Bucket Puckerings Antiques Owl & Moon Silver Plated Toast Rack Pridham & Sons£345 $432.04   €414.1 Owl & Moon Silver Plated Toast Rack Pridham & SonsHarrington Antiques Silver Plate Grape Shears£86.00 $107.7   €103.23 Silver Plate Grape ShearsSunnyside Antiques Drinks Tray By J B Chatterley & Sons C.1930£595 $745.12   €714.18 Drinks Tray By J B Chatterley & Sons C.1930Puckerings Antiques
Art Deco Silver Plated Cocktail Tray - Shell Motif£395 $494.66   €474.12 Art Deco Silver Plated Cocktail Tray - Shell MotifPuckerings Antiques Art Deco Pierced Silver Plate Dish£85.00 $106.45   €102.03 Art Deco Pierced Silver Plate DishYore Antiques Luc Lanel For Christofle Wine / Champagne Cooler £1595 $1997.42   €1914.48 Luc Lanel For Christofle Wine / Champagne Cooler Puckerings Antiques French ArtDeco Silver Plated Sideboard Mirror Tray£1800 $2254.14   €2160.54 French ArtDeco Silver Plated Sideboard Mirror TrayElmgarden
Vintage Cocktail Party Aperitif Tray, English£495 $619.89   €594.15 Vintage Cocktail Party Aperitif Tray, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Silver Plated Cocktail Tray By Hukin & Heath£395 $494.66   €474.12 Silver Plated Cocktail Tray By Hukin & HeathPuckerings Antiques Art Deco Drinks / Cocktail Tray By James Dixon£395 $494.66   €474.12 Art Deco Drinks / Cocktail Tray By James DixonPuckerings Antiques Cocktail Tray By Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. £395 $494.66   €474.12 Cocktail Tray By Goldsmith's & Silversmith's Co. Puckerings Antiques
Luc Lanel - Christofle / Gallia - Ondulations Vase£1100 $1377.53   €1320.33 Luc Lanel - Christofle / Gallia - Ondulations VasePuckerings Antiques Smart Art Deco Shaker By William Suckling C.1930 £350 $438.31   €420.11 Smart Art Deco Shaker By William Suckling C.1930 Puckerings Antiques Luc Lanel For Christofle - Cocktail Shaker C.1935£595 $745.12   €714.18 Luc Lanel For Christofle - Cocktail Shaker C.1935Puckerings Antiques Christofle, Paris - Rare Grand Art Deco Tray C1940£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Christofle, Paris - Rare Grand Art Deco Tray C1940Puckerings Antiques
Art Deco Cocktail Tray By Ravinet DEnfert, Paris £495 $619.89   €594.15 Art Deco Cocktail Tray By Ravinet D'Enfert, Paris Puckerings Antiques Mappin & Webb Art Deco Cocktail Shaker£750 $939.23   €900.23 Mappin & Webb Art Deco Cocktail ShakerCheshire Antiques Consultant Art Deco Cocktail Tray - Celtic Design C.1930£495 $619.89   €594.15 Art Deco Cocktail Tray - Celtic Design C.1930Puckerings Antiques Smart Art Deco Shaker By William Suckling C.1930 £350 $438.31   €420.11 Smart Art Deco Shaker By William Suckling C.1930 Puckerings Antiques
French Silver Plated And Rosewood Bowl£85 $106.45   €102.03 French Silver Plated And Rosewood BowlKadensek And Ward French Art Deco Bread Basket By Brille, Paris£395 $494.66   €474.12 French Art Deco Bread Basket By Brille, ParisPuckerings Antiques Angelletti, Rome - Menu / Recipe Cocktail Shaker£1200 $1502.76   €1440.36 Angelletti, Rome - Menu / Recipe Cocktail ShakerPuckerings Antiques Art Deco Silver Plate Serving Dish, C.1920s/30s£45 $56.35   €54.01 Art Deco Silver Plate Serving Dish, C.1920s/30sBurnell And Rowe
Luc Lanel For Christofle - Pair Champagne Buckets£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 Luc Lanel For Christofle - Pair Champagne BucketsPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By Hukin & Heath£595 $745.12   €714.18 Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By Hukin & HeathPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker With Lemon Squeezer£495 $619.89   €594.15 Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker With Lemon SqueezerPuckerings Antiques Art Deco Original1930s English Muffin Dish EPNS  £85.00 $106.45   €102.03 Art Deco Original1930's English Muffin Dish EPNS Artdecoart