Late 19th Century Antique Silver Plated

Found 1029 For Sale and Sold    ( 164 for sale  865 sold )  
Antique Tankard, English, Silver Plate, Jug, Vase£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Antique Tankard, English, Silver Plate, Jug, VaseLondon Fine Antiques Silver Plated Meat Dome£250 $322.28   €297.93 Silver Plated Meat DomeMartin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors Victorian Silver Plated Tyg£225 $290.05   €268.13 Victorian Silver Plated TygMartin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors Silver Plated Tazza Attributed To AE Jones & Co.£285 $367.39   €339.63 Silver Plated Tazza Attributed To AE Jones & Co.Antique Ethos
Arts & Crafts White Metal & Brass Champagne Cooler£285.00 $367.39   €339.63 Arts & Crafts White Metal & Brass Champagne CoolerStudio RT Ltd Large Aesthetic Period Ale Jug Silver Plate£125 $161.14   €148.96 Large Aesthetic Period Ale Jug Silver PlateShouldham Antiques And Interiors 19th C Silver Plate On Copper Champagne Coasters£65 $83.79   €77.46 19th C Silver Plate On Copper Champagne CoastersForte Antiques York Turn Of The Century Silver Plated Urns £135 $174.03   €160.88 Turn Of The Century Silver Plated Urns Chooseiconic
Victorian Silver Plated Spoon Warmer £195 $251.37   €232.38 Victorian Silver Plated Spoon Warmer Chooseiconic Claret Jug In The Manner Of Christopher Dresser£1100 $1418.01   €1310.87 Claret Jug In The Manner Of Christopher DresserPuckerings Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Crane Bird Inkwell£750 $966.83   €893.78 Victorian Silver Plated Crane Bird InkwellCheshire Antiques Consultant Decorative Antique 6 Bottle Silver Plated Cruet Set£495 $638.1   €589.89 Decorative Antique 6 Bottle Silver Plated Cruet SetRebecca Sarah Antiques
Large Victorian Silver Plate Salver, Deane & Co£75 $96.68   €89.38 Large Victorian Silver Plate Salver, Deane & CoBurnell And Rowe Four Antique English Wine Decanters In Stand C1890£1195 $1540.47   €1424.08 Four Antique English Wine Decanters In Stand C1890Puckerings Antiques WMF Silver Plated Jugendstil Dish C1890£240 $309.38   €286.01 WMF Silver Plated Jugendstil Dish C1890Antique Ethos Art Nouveau Silver Plate Egg Cups, Spoons On Stand£125.00 $161.14   €148.96 Art Nouveau Silver Plate Egg Cups, Spoons On StandTwojays Corner Antiques
Fish Servers, Horn Handles Hunting / Dog Engraved£395 $509.19   €470.72 Fish Servers, Horn Handles Hunting / Dog EngravedPuckerings Antiques Sale On.  Mappin Brothers Silver Plate Fish Servers£65.00 $83.79   €77.46 Sale On. Mappin Brothers Silver Plate Fish ServersBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On.  James Deakin & Sons  Knives, Kings Pattern£75.00 $96.68   €89.38 Sale On. James Deakin & Sons Knives, Kings PatternBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On.  Antique Champagne Tap£55.00 $70.9   €65.54 Sale On. Antique Champagne TapBarnhill Trading Co.
Sale On.  24 Victorian Kings Pattern Dinner Knives£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Sale On. 24 Victorian Kings Pattern Dinner KnivesBarnhill Trading Co. Old Sheffield Plate Sugar Caster Sifter£55.00 $70.9   €65.54 Old Sheffield Plate Sugar Caster SifterMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques WMF Art Nouveau Centrepiece With Glass Liner C1890£570 $734.79   €679.27 WMF Art Nouveau Centrepiece With Glass Liner C1890Antique Ethos Silver Plated Victorian Inkstand£95.00 $122.46   €113.21 Silver Plated Victorian InkstandOrton Antiques
A Superb Pair Of Victorian Fish Servers£65.00 $83.79   €77.46 A Superb Pair Of Victorian Fish ServersAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Christofle Silver Plated Twin Handled Bowl£95.00 $122.46   €113.21 Christofle Silver Plated Twin Handled BowlBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Silver Plated Spirit Kettle£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Antique Silver Plated Spirit KettleBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Silver Plated Champagne Bottle Holder£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Antique Silver Plated Champagne Bottle HolderBarnhill Trading Co.