Copper Antique Kitchenalia

Found 433 For Sale and Sold    ( 155 for sale  278 sold )  
Antique George III Quality Copper Warming Pan£265 $331.86   €318.08 Antique George III Quality Copper Warming PanLondon City Antiques Quality Antique George III Copper Pan£395 $494.66   €474.12 Quality Antique George III Copper PanLondon City Antiques  Antique Quality Copper Chestnut Roaster£295 $369.43   €354.09 Antique Quality Copper Chestnut RoasterLondon City Antiques Fantastic Victorian Oval Shaped Copper Kettle £285 $356.91   €342.09 Fantastic Victorian Oval Shaped Copper Kettle Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Lion Jelly Mould£185 $231.68   €222.06 Lion Jelly MouldNewsum Antiques Unusual Antique Victorian Quality Copper Kettle £225 $281.77   €270.07 Unusual Antique Victorian Quality Copper Kettle Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Two W.A.S Benson Arts And Crafts Kettles   Two W.A.S Benson Arts And Crafts Kettles Art Furniture Georgian Copper Dairy Cream Setting Pan £235 $294.29   €282.07 Georgian Copper Dairy Cream Setting Pan Anthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques
Quality Antique Victorian Copper Warming Pan £295 $369.43   €354.09 Quality Antique Victorian Copper Warming Pan Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique George III Quality Small Copper Kettle £245 $306.81   €294.07 Antique George III Quality Small Copper Kettle Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Victorian 1 Pt Copper Kettle, Wm. Soutter, Bham£60 $75.14   €72.02 Victorian 1 Pt Copper Kettle, Wm. Soutter, B'hamBurnell And Rowe Unusual Set Of Copper Tea, Coffee And Sugar Jars£295 $369.43   €354.09 Unusual Set Of Copper Tea, Coffee And Sugar JarsUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
10 Gallon Copper Milk Churn Ambrosia£350.00 $438.31   €420.11 10 Gallon Copper Milk Churn AmbrosiaLemon Tree Antiques Very Large Copper Saucepan By Benham & Sons£150 $187.85   €180.05 Very Large Copper Saucepan By Benham & SonsAle House Antiques   Large George III Antique Copper Kettle£245 $306.81   €294.07 Large George III Antique Copper KettleLondon City Antiques Antique George III Copper Warming Pan£175 $219.15   €210.05 Antique George III Copper Warming PanUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Pheasant Roasting Pan, English, Georgian£795 $995.58   €954.24 Antique Pheasant Roasting Pan, English, GeorgianLondon Fine Antiques Antique George III Quality Large Copper Kettle £245 $306.81   €294.07 Antique George III Quality Large Copper Kettle Unique Antiques By Emma Jade 19th Century Copper Cooking Pot Cauldron With Lid   19th Century Copper Cooking Pot Cauldron With Lid Elmgarden Antique 19th Century Copper & Brass Preserving Pan£75 $93.92   €90.02 Antique 19th Century Copper & Brass Preserving PanSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
Large 19th Century Copper Coal Log Oval Cauldron£890 $1114.55   €1068.27 Large 19th Century Copper Coal Log Oval CauldronCheshire Antiques Consultant Large 19th Century Copper Draining Dish  Large 19th Century Copper Draining DishElmgarden Large 19th Century Copper Roasting Tray Gravy Well£445 $557.27   €534.13 Large 19th Century Copper Roasting Tray Gravy WellElmgarden Large Antique George III Copper Kettle£220 $275.51   €264.07 Large Antique George III Copper KettleUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Georgian Copper One Gallon Harvest Ale Jug   Georgian Copper One Gallon Harvest Ale Jug Welsh Vernacular Antiques Antique George III Oval Copper Kettle£185 $231.68   €222.06 Antique George III Oval Copper KettleUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Antique Georgian Copper Kettle£245 $306.81   €294.07 Large Antique Georgian Copper KettleLondon City Antiques Antique Miniature Copper Kettle£130.00 $162.8   €156.04 Antique Miniature Copper KettleYore Antiques