Copper Antique Kitchenalia

Found 433 For Sale and Sold    ( 155 for sale  278 sold )  
Lovely Antique George III Copper Kettle £225 $281.77   €270.07 Lovely Antique George III Copper Kettle Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Late 19th Century Dog Feeding Bowl£75.00 $93.92   €90.02 Late 19th Century Dog Feeding BowlCeltic Antiques Large Antique George III Quality Copper Saucepan £425 $532.23   €510.13 Large Antique George III Quality Copper Saucepan London City Antiques Antique Victorian Hodges & Sons Copper Saucepan£365 $457.09   €438.11 Antique Victorian Hodges & Sons Copper SaucepanUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Henry Loveridge Art Nouveau Kettle & Stand 1903£220 $275.51   €264.07 Henry Loveridge Art Nouveau Kettle & Stand 1903Penrose Antiques Large Copper Kettle With Tilt Handle£120 $150.28   €144.04 Large Copper Kettle With Tilt HandleMiddletons Antiques 19th Century Copper Kettle£240 $300.55   €288.07 19th Century Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques 19th Century Copper Kettle£240 $300.55   €288.07 19th Century Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques
19th Century Copper Kettle£240 $300.55   €288.07 19th Century Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques 19th Century Copper Kettle£240 $300.55   €288.07 19th Century Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques Large Copper Jelly Mould£85 $106.45   €102.03 Large Copper Jelly MouldFrontsideout  18th Century Copper Roasting Tray With Gravy Well£445 $557.27   €534.13 18th Century Copper Roasting Tray With Gravy WellElmgarden
Quality Antique George III Copper Pan £385 $482.14   €462.12 Quality Antique George III Copper Pan Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Quality Oval Shaped Copper Kettle£395 $494.66   €474.12 Antique Quality Oval Shaped Copper KettleLondon City Antiques 19th Century Large Copper Kettle.£155 $194.11   €186.05 19th Century Large Copper Kettle.Michael Allcroft Antiques 19th Century Copper Kettle On A Wrought Iron Stand£325 $407   €390.1 19th Century Copper Kettle On A Wrought Iron StandElmgarden
Round 19th Century Copper Steaming Or Warming Pan £295 $369.43   €354.09 Round 19th Century Copper Steaming Or Warming Pan Elmgarden Victorian Copper Pot£195 $244.2   €234.06 Victorian Copper PotSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Large Georgian Copper Cooking Pot£495 $619.89   €594.15 Large Georgian Copper Cooking PotFernyhough Antiques  Petite  English Georgian Copper Kettle. £180 $225.41   €216.05 Petite English Georgian Copper Kettle. Michael Allcroft Antiques
Antique Victorian Hodges & Sons Copper Pan £465 $582.32   €558.14 Antique Victorian Hodges & Sons Copper Pan Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Large (1 Gallon) Copper Jug/Pitcher£175 $219.15   €210.05 Large (1 Gallon) Copper Jug/PitcherLT Antiques Bulpitt Hot Water Kettle£140 $175.32   €168.04 Bulpitt Hot Water KettleFrontsideout Large Antique Quality Oval Shaped Copper Kettle£325 $407   €390.1 Large Antique Quality Oval Shaped Copper KettleLondon City Antiques
Lovely Antique George III Small Copper Kettle£225 $281.77   €270.07 Lovely Antique George III Small Copper KettleUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle £345 $432.04   €414.1 Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle London City Antiques Large Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle £475 $594.84   €570.14 Large Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle London City Antiques Copper Jug - HMS Britannia£165 $206.63   €198.05 Copper Jug - HMS BritanniaMiddletons Antiques