Copper Antique Kitchenalia

Found 433 For Sale and Sold    ( 155 for sale  278 sold )  
Victorian Copper Kettle Of Small Proportions  Victorian Copper Kettle Of Small ProportionsIn The Shepherds Hut Large 19th C Copper Cauldron£290 $363.17   €348.09 Large 19th C Copper CauldronDunkeld Antiques Antique Gill Measures  Antique Gill MeasuresWelsh Vernacular Antiques Set Of Ten Matched Victorian Copper Pans  Set Of Ten Matched Victorian Copper PansShackladys Antiques
 Set Of Six Graduating Copper Saucepans£145 $181.58   €174.04 Set Of Six Graduating Copper SaucepansMichael Allcroft Antiques Set Of Nine Victorian Copper Pans  Set Of Nine Victorian Copper PansShackladys Antiques  Antique French Copper And Iron Large Heavy Pan£34.00 $42.58   €40.81 Antique French Copper And Iron Large Heavy PanMelbourne Antiques Lovely Antique French Copper And Iron Chefs Pan£26.00 $32.56   €31.21 Lovely Antique French Copper And Iron Chefs PanMelbourne Antiques
Small Antique French Copper Chefs Saucepan£22.00 $27.55   €26.41 Small Antique French Copper Chefs SaucepanMelbourne Antiques Early Copper And Iron Cauldron / Cooking Pot£125.00 $156.54   €150.04 Early Copper And Iron Cauldron / Cooking PotMelbourne Antiques Victorian Copper Pans (Set Of 3 )£38 $47.59   €45.61 Victorian Copper Pans (Set Of 3 )Boutique 37 Antiques Early 19th Century Copper Kettle£110 $137.75   €132.03 Early 19th Century Copper KettleMiddletons Antiques
Small Victorian Copper Kettle£110 $137.75   €132.03 Small Victorian Copper KettleMiddletons Antiques 19th Century Brass Copper Kettle£120 $150.28   €144.04 19th Century Brass Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques 19th Century Brass Copper Kettle£120 $150.28   €144.04 19th Century Brass Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques Large 19th Century Brass Copper Kettle£240 $300.55   €288.07 Large 19th Century Brass Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques
19th Century Copper Kettle£120 $150.28   €144.04 19th Century Copper KettleMartlesham Antiques Large Heavy Antique Copper And Iron Frying Pan£45.00 $56.35   €54.01 Large Heavy Antique Copper And Iron Frying PanMelbourne Antiques Antique Copper And Brass Frying Pan And Lid£38.00 $47.59   €45.61 Antique Copper And Brass Frying Pan And LidMelbourne Antiques French Copper And Brass 2 Gallon Kettle £165 $206.63   €198.05 French Copper And Brass 2 Gallon Kettle Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
Early 19th Century Copper Fish Kettle With Liner£315 $394.47   €378.09 Early 19th Century Copper Fish Kettle With LinerMalcolm Eglin Antiques Early 19th Century Copper Fish Kettle.£298 $373.19   €357.69 Early 19th Century Copper Fish Kettle.Malcolm Eglin Antiques 18th Century Extra Large Copper Coffee Pot£195 $244.2   €234.06 18th Century Extra Large Copper Coffee PotMalcolm Eglin Antiques Copper Plated Milk Churn£195 $244.2   €234.06 Copper Plated Milk ChurnSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
19th Century Copper Cauldron Or Log Bin    19th Century Copper Cauldron Or Log Bin Elmgarden Georgian Copper Brandy Pan  Georgian Copper Brandy PanMiddletons Antiques E.Dehillerin Paris Copper 3 Mm, Cooking Pot  E.Dehillerin Paris Copper 3 Mm, Cooking PotBelle Antiques  Early 20thC Beaten Copper Cauldron£480 $601.1   €576.14 Early 20thC Beaten Copper CauldronBlank Canvas Antiques