Antique Sewing
Found 2168 For Sale and Sold ( 448 for sale 1720 sold )
$149.68 €142.56
Miniature Stork Scissors Sewing Hallmarked Silver Kim Antiques
$1808.59 €1722.6
A Sheraton Period, Harewood Work TableGravener Antiques
$155.91 €148.5
Novelty Champagne Bottle Tape MeasureSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$43.66 €41.58
Antique Wooden Sewing AccessoryYore Antiques
$405.37 €386.1
English Silver Sewing Set C1840Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$355.48 €338.58
Quality Victorian Coromandel Sewing / Work Box.Bridgend Antiques
$3055.89 €2910.6
Edwardian Painted Satinwood Ladies WorkboxShackladys Antiques
$143.44 €136.62
Tartanware Tatting ShuttleSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$399.14 €380.16
1820/40 Sewing TableYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
$2182.78 €2079
Restored Victorian Burr Walnut Sewing Box TableWimbledon Furniture Ltd
$1434.4 €1366.2
Victorian Inlaid Walnut Oval WorkboxHingstons Antiques Of Wilton
$19.96 €19.01
Silver ThimbleRecess Antiques
$284.38 €270.86
18ct.Gold & Seed Pearl Thimble 19th.C BoxedEmma Design - Antique Silver
$592.47 €564.3
Beautiful Rosewood Sarcophagus Shaped Sewing Box. The Dorking Desk Shop
$155.91 €148.5
French Silver ThimbleSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$561.29 €534.6
French 1st Empire Period Mahogany Sewing TableWishbarn Antiques
$455.26 €433.62
Late Georgian Sewing And Jewellery BoxRod Naylor Antiques
$991.6 €944.46
Art Deco French Work Box On Stand, Circa 1930Deco-World
$330.53 €314.82
French Sewing TableYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
$243.22 €231.66
French Gold ThimbleSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$592.47 €564.3
A Regency Rosewood Sewing BoxGravener Antiques
$1933.32 €1841.4
Early 19th Century Rosewood And Brass Inlaid Work TableMartlesham Antiques
$174.62 €166.32
Rosewood Converted Tea CaddyPlanet Antiques
$804.51 €766.26
Edwardian Sewing TableWitch Antiques
$2432.24 €2316.6
Early 19th C. Satinwood Games/Work Table S R Thomas Antiques And Interiors
$617.41 €588.06
Sewing ClampNewsum Antiques
$124.73 €118.8
Antique Table Top Portable Sewing BoxPlanet Antiques
$1590.31 €1514.7
William IV Mahogany Work TableShackladys Antiques