Antique Sewing
Found 2168 For Sale and Sold ( 448 for sale 1720 sold )
$1864.71 €1776.06
Wonderful Antique English Penwork Sewing Box Puckerings Antiques
$1864.71 €1776.06
Antique Ladies Utility Box, English, Burr WalnutLondon Fine Antiques
$106.02 €100.98
Miniature Perfume BottleRod Naylor Antiques
$1029.02 €980.1
Oriental Side Table Or Work Table Elmgarden
$2806.43 €2673
George III Rosewood Games TableGeorgian Antiques
$866.87 €825.66
Regency Period Rosewood Work TableCamden Antiques
$735.91 €700.92
Chadwick’s Sewing Cotton Haberdashery Display CaseElmgarden
$561.29 €534.6
Antique Novelty Silver Pin Cushion Select Antiques
$530.1 €504.9
Vintage Norwegian Silver And Enamel ThimbleSelect Antiques
$243.22 €231.66
Antique Pin Cushion Select Antiques
$1091.39 €1039.5
Louis XVI Moroccan Leather And Silver Hussif/PurseBags Of Glamour
$243.22 €231.66
Antique Silver Tape Measure Select Antiques
$405.37 €386.1
3 19th Century Hand Made Treen Items, Pounce,Elmgarden
$367.95 €350.46
Vintage Gold Thimble Select Antiques
$1091.39 €1039.5
William IV Rosewood Work TableCamden Antiques
$162.15 €154.44
Vintage Silver Sewing Machine ?Needle ?BoxPark Lane Antiques
$405.37 €386.1
Tortoiseshell Sewing BoxRod Naylor Antiques
$243.22 €231.66
Edwardian Silver Canoe Pin Cushion Birmingham 1905Julie Cartwright Antiques
$349.24 €332.64
A Good Quality Walnut Sewing TableFlemish Chandeliers
$149.68 €142.56
Pine Cutlery Tray Or Housemaids Carrier, TidyElmgarden
$530.1 €504.9
Antique William IV Mahogany Sewing Table / Work TableFounders Antiques
$530.1 €504.9
Walnut Sewing CabinetElmgarden
$106.02 €100.98
Small Victorian Sewing BoxRod Naylor Antiques
$367.95 €350.46
Small Georgian Rosewood Pincushion WorkboxPrometheus Antiques
$367.95 €350.46
Three Late Georgian NeedleworksPrometheus Antiques
$1216.12 €1158.3
Walker & Hall Crocodile Valise With Silver Accessories Sovereign Antiques
$1434.4 €1366.2
An Attractive George IV Rosewood Work TableGravener Antiques
$280.64 €267.3
Veteran Car Novelty Tape MeasurePaul Watson Antiques