Early 20th Century Antique Sewing
Found 501 For Sale and Sold ( 98 for sale 403 sold )
$29.36 €28.5
Vintage Bullet Sewing Kit Etui Needle Case Thread Kim Antiques
$122.35 €118.77
Silver Thimble In A Mother Of Pearl Case, 1919The Purply Shop
$152.94 €148.46
Antique Serpentine Shape Silver Pin Cushion 1910The Fancy Fox
$324.23 €314.74
Sampson Mordan Edwardian Silver Pin CushionGuy Ellis Antiques
$214.11 €207.85
Edwardian Silver Tape MeasureDoubloon Antiques
$19.58 €19
Antique Metal Shoe Pin Cushion - 13.3cmKim Antiques
$275.29 €267.23
Edwardian Silver Shoe Pin CushionGuy Ellis Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
Edwardian Novelty Silver Pin CushionSelect Antiques
$287.52 €279.11
Silver Pin Cushion 1906, Modelled As A ShoePaul Hardy Antiques
$42.82 €41.57
Art Deco Vintage Bakelite DORCAS Thimble DisplayKim Antiques
$238.58 €231.6
Edwardian Silver Pin Cushion, Birmingham 1908Julie Cartwright Antiques
$850.33 €825.45
Antique Octagonal Sewing Box, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$978.8 €950.16
English Liberty Occ Table In Mahogany. Early 20thcBorrelli Antichita
$116.23 €112.83
Brass Donkey Tape MeasureNewark Antiques And Interiors
$336.46 €326.62
Carved Oak Box TableNewark Antiques And Interiors
$439.24 €426.38
Shop Display Cabinet For Morris & Yeomans NeedlesBrook Antiques & Collectables
$238.58 €231.6
Edwardian Silver Elephant Pin CushionForte Antiques York
$1205.15 €1169.88
Antique Embroidery Technique Sampler, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$214.11 €207.85
Edwardian Mahogany Cantilever Sewing Table / Box Lucian Linnell Vintage
$55.06 €53.45
Silver Plated Camel Pin Cushion Instant Antiques
$428.23 €415.7
Small Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Sewing TableAntique Furniture Direct
$232.47 €225.66
Set Of Six Edwardian Silver Buttons. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$360.93 €350.37
Antique Silver Novelty Pin Cushion Select Antiques
$183.53 €178.16
Bodkin Sewing KitInstant Antiques
$850.33 €825.45
Antique Silver Boot Pin Cushion Select Antiques
$104 €100.95
Miniature Perfume BottleRod Naylor Antiques
$1009.39 €979.85
Oriental Side Table Or Work Table Elmgarden
$721.87 €700.74
Chadwick’s Sewing Cotton Haberdashery Display CaseElmgarden