Georgian Antique Longcase Clocks

Found 835 For Sale and Sold    ( 161 for sale  674 sold )  
Antique Brass Face Red Walnut Longcase Clock£2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 Antique Brass Face Red Walnut Longcase ClockLondon City Antiques Grandfather Clock 8 Day Moon Roller£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 Grandfather Clock 8 Day Moon RollerSovereign Antiques 8 Day Long Case Clock By John Crouch £8000 $10312.8   €9533.6 8 Day Long Case Clock By John Crouch Dyfi Valley Antiques Good 18th Century London Longcase Clock£2250 $2900.48   €2681.33 Good 18th Century London Longcase ClockCarse Antiques
Antique George III Inlaid Mahogany Eight Day Longcase Clock£3950 $5091.95   €4707.22 Antique George III Inlaid Mahogany Eight Day Longcase ClockLondon City Antiques  Important Georgian  Longcase London Clock( Mudge)£12500 $16113.75   €14896.25 Important Georgian Longcase London Clock( Mudge)David Wolfenden Antiques George III Longcase Clock, Walter Rowland, Berwick£2200.00 $2836.02   €2621.74 George III Longcase Clock, Walter Rowland, BerwickD.J. Massey And Son George III Longcase Clock By David Collier, Gatley£2500.00 $3222.75   €2979.25 George III Longcase Clock By David Collier, GatleyD.J. Massey And Son
Oak Striking Longcase Clock By Fran Pile, London£1400.00 $1804.74   €1668.38 Oak Striking Longcase Clock By Fran Pile, LondonD.J. Massey And Son Antique Mahogany Longcase Clock £1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Antique Mahogany Longcase Clock Rees Antiques Longcase Clock By John Allen, Macclesfield£2100.00 $2707.11   €2502.57 Longcase Clock By John Allen, MacclesfieldD.J. Massey And Son  Longcase Clock By I. Latham, Macclesfield£1350.00 $1740.29   €1608.8 Longcase Clock By I. Latham, MacclesfieldD.J. Massey And Son
Longcase Clock, T. Nevill Of Bristol, Rocking Ship£4500.00 $5800.95   €5362.65 Longcase Clock, T. Nevill Of Bristol, Rocking ShipD.J. Massey And Son Antique Oak Cased 8 Day Brass Dial Longcase Clock£7950 $10248.35   €9474.02 Antique Oak Cased 8 Day Brass Dial Longcase ClockThe Chimes Bristol High Water Longcase Clock, Joshua Hewlett.£5100.00 $6574.41   €6077.67 Bristol High Water Longcase Clock, Joshua Hewlett.D.J. Massey And Son 18th.c. Longcase Clock By William Harley C.1740£2495 $3216.3   €2973.29 18th.c. Longcase Clock By William Harley C.1740Collinge Antiques
Longcase Clock - Jonathan Hudson, Nottingham C1780£6950 $8959.25   €8282.32 Longcase Clock - Jonathan Hudson, Nottingham C1780The Chimes Georgian Mahogany Grandfather Clock£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Georgian Mahogany Grandfather ClockSinclairs Antiques And Interiors London Longcase Clock By King Of Ratcliff Highway£10250 $13213.28   €12214.93 London Longcase Clock By King Of Ratcliff HighwayP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Longcase Clock By Daniel O Neil, Dublin C1760£12950 $16693.85   €15432.52 Longcase Clock By Daniel O Neil, Dublin C1760The Chimes
Jonas Barber  Mahogany Longcase Num 628 Circa 1763£15000 $19336.5   €17875.5 Jonas Barber Mahogany Longcase Num 628 Circa 1763Lake District Grandfather Clocks Longcase Clock £295.00 $380.28   €351.55 Longcase Clock Mills Antiques London Longcase Clock By Thomas Hughes C1765/70£12950 $16693.85   €15432.52 London Longcase Clock By Thomas Hughes C1765/70The Chimes Long Case  Clock£395.00 $509.19   €470.72 Long Case ClockMills Antiques
Walnut London Longcase Clock By John Faver C1725£22950 $29584.85   €27349.52 Walnut London Longcase Clock By John Faver C1725The Chimes George III Inlaid Mahogany Grandfather Clock £4400 $5672.04   €5243.48 George III Inlaid Mahogany Grandfather Clock Georgian Antiques  Newby Of Kendal  8 Day Longcase Clock            £1575 $2030.33   €1876.93 Newby Of Kendal 8 Day Longcase Clock Lake District Grandfather Clocks Mahogany Longcase Clock£11950 $15404.75   €14240.82 Mahogany Longcase ClockThe Chimes