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Mills Antiques
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19th Cent Musical Regulator Longcase Clock
Oak Antique Longcase Clock, Macclesfield c1795/1800.
Mahogany Tube Chiming Longcase Clock by G.Willis
Longcase Clock by John Allen, Macclesfield
Longcase clock by I. Latham, Macclesfield
Mahogany Musical Clock, Jno. Barnish, Rochdale.
Longcase Clock, T. Nevill of Bristol, Rocking Ship
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William IV Inlaid Mahogany Longcase Clock, Barnith
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Antique Four Leg Gravity Escapement Clock
Mahogany Tube Chiming Edwardian Longcase Clock
Non UK callers :
+44 1392860945
or +44 7970887301
or +44 7970887301
Longcase Clock

1 of 3
A 30hour long case clock in a crackled glaze case . I am not a clock repairer , so cannot give a guarantee with the clock, suffice to say it is working and keeps good time . Everyone who deals in clocks knows how temperamental they can be . Hate being moved and are fussy about where they stand . This one took me half an hour to get a regular beat , but once going caused no problems . It is 208 cms x42 cms x 23 cms .
SellerMills Antiques
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Mills Antiques

37 Fore Street
EX15 1JS
Tel : 01392860945
or : 07970887301
Non UK callers : +44 1392860945 or +44 7970887301
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The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 4/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Clocks
Period Late 18th Century Antiques
Material Painted
Origin English
Item code as1071a035
Status For Sale



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Conversion rates as of 4/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
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Mills Antiques

EX15 1JS
Tel : 01392860945
or : 07970887301
Non UK callers : +44 1392860945 or +44 7970887301
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