Georgian Antique Longcase Clocks

Found 835 For Sale and Sold    ( 161 for sale  674 sold )  
Mudge & Dutton  Longcase Clock With  Enamel  Dials£65000 $83791.5   €77460.5 Mudge & Dutton Longcase Clock With Enamel DialsThe Clock Work Shop Benjamin Gray & Justin Vulliamy Longcase Clock£32500 $41895.75   €38730.25 Benjamin Gray & Justin Vulliamy Longcase ClockThe Clock Work Shop Mahogany Longcase Regulator By E. Wyatt£17500 $22559.25   €20854.75 Mahogany Longcase Regulator By E. WyattThe Clock Work Shop Mahogany Regulator By Archibald Johnston£19500 $25137.45   €23238.15 Mahogany Regulator By Archibald JohnstonThe Clock Work Shop
 Chinoiserie Longcase Clock£4250 $5478.68   €5064.73 Chinoiserie Longcase ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Magnificent London Mahogany Longcase Clock C1770£14950 $19272.05   €17815.92 Magnificent London Mahogany Longcase Clock C1770The Chimes Magnificent Mahogany Longcase Clock C1795£9950 $12826.55   €11857.42 Magnificent Mahogany Longcase Clock C1795The Chimes Longcase Clock By Thomas Gardiner Of Sudbury C1725£12950 $16693.85   €15432.52 Longcase Clock By Thomas Gardiner Of Sudbury C1725The Chimes
C1730 Longcase Clock£6950 $8959.25   €8282.32 C1730 Longcase ClockThe Chimes Antique  Mahogany Moon Phase  Longcase Clock £900 $1160.19   €1072.53 Antique Mahogany Moon Phase Longcase Clock Rees Antiques Fine Georgian Longcase Clock By Collier, Eccles£5200 $6703.32   €6196.84 Fine Georgian Longcase Clock By Collier, EcclesNimbus Antiques Chinoiserie Longcase Clock From Chichester£12750 $16436.03   €15194.18 Chinoiserie Longcase Clock From ChichesterP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks
Antique Mahogany   Longcase / Grandfather Clock £975 $1256.87   €1161.91 Antique Mahogany Longcase / Grandfather Clock Rees Antiques London Longcase Clock£12995 $16751.85   €15486.14 London Longcase ClockNew Barn Antiques Scottish Longcase Clock By Miller Of Montrose£6950 $8959.25   €8282.32 Scottish Longcase Clock By Miller Of MontroseP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Regulator Longcase Clock By Hedge Of Colchester£7650 $9861.62   €9116.51 Regulator Longcase Clock By Hedge Of ColchesterP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks
Antique Lacquered  Longcase / Grandfather Clock£1625.00 $2094.79   €1936.51 Antique Lacquered Longcase / Grandfather ClockRees Antiques Antique Moon Phase   Longcase Clock£950.00 $1224.65   €1132.12 Antique Moon Phase Longcase ClockRees Antiques Thomas Chippendale Longcase Clock 1770£7500 $9668.25   €8937.75 Thomas Chippendale Longcase Clock 1770Tyne Antiques Mahogany " Stamford" Inlaid Longcase Clock£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Mahogany " Stamford" Inlaid Longcase ClockRees Antiques
Antique Mahogany Automation Longcase Clock £950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Antique Mahogany Automation Longcase Clock Rees Antiques Oak Carved  Longcase Clock£575.00 $741.23   €685.23 Oak Carved Longcase ClockRees Antiques Bristol Moving Eyes Mahogany Longcase Clock£3250 $4189.58   €3873.03 Bristol Moving Eyes Mahogany Longcase ClockRees Antiques Brass Moon Phase Mahogany Longcase Clock £2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 Brass Moon Phase Mahogany Longcase Clock Rees Antiques
Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock C1790.£7950 $10248.35   €9474.02 Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock C1790.The Chimes 18th Century Mahogany Longcase Clock By John Wood £12500 $16113.75   €14896.25 18th Century Mahogany Longcase Clock By John Wood Martlesham Antiques Original 8 Day Longcase  Clock By Jonathan Hocker £8950 $11537.45   €10665.72 Original 8 Day Longcase Clock By Jonathan Hocker The Chimes Magnificent Mahogany Longcase Clock C1765£12950 $16693.85   €15432.52 Magnificent Mahogany Longcase Clock C1765The Chimes