Antique French Clocks

Found 3153 For Sale and Sold    ( 574 for sale  2579 sold )  
Superb Rosewood Mantel Clock Retailed By Clockmake£875 $1106.09   €1055.95 Superb Rosewood Mantel Clock Retailed By ClockmakeWorboys Antiques And Clocks Victorian Marble French Clock Garniture   Victorian Marble French Clock Garniture David Wolfenden Antiques Blue And White Delft Porcelain Clock £525.00 $663.65   €633.57 Blue And White Delft Porcelain Clock Classic Antiques Stunning Red Tortoiseshell And Brass Inlaid Boulle£1850 $2338.59   €2232.58 Stunning Red Tortoiseshell And Brass Inlaid BoulleWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Oak Westminster Chime Wall Clock £875 $1106.09   €1055.95 Oak Westminster Chime Wall Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Solid Golden Oak Bracket Clock £440 $556.2   €530.99 Solid Golden Oak Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Large Timepiece Carriage Clock£425 $537.24   €512.89 Large Timepiece Carriage ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Silver Plated Arch Top Mantel Clock£425 $537.24   €512.89 Silver Plated Arch Top Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Red Tortoiseshell Boulle Work Mantel Clock£1450 $1832.95   €1749.86 Red Tortoiseshell Boulle Work Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Small 18th Century Style Mantel Clock £1250 $1580.13   €1508.5 Small 18th Century Style Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Silver Plated Timepiece Carriage Clock £525 $663.65   €633.57 Silver Plated Timepiece Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Unusual Enamel Panel Carriage Clock £975 $1232.5   €1176.63 Unusual Enamel Panel Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Bronze Clock (Macabre)£650 $821.67   €784.42 Bronze Clock (Macabre)Ledger Brothers Antiques Large French Clock£650 $821.67   €784.42 Large French ClockLedger Brothers Antiques Decorative 19th C French Japy Freres Mantle Clock£680.00 $859.59   €820.62 Decorative 19th C French Japy Freres Mantle ClockImperial Antiques Circular Carriage Clock £475 $600.45   €573.23 Circular Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Edwardian Silver Plated Architectural Mantel Clock£925 $1169.29   €1116.29 Edwardian Silver Plated Architectural Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks French Cartel Wall Clock£3400 $4297.94   €4103.12 French Cartel Wall ClockClassic Antiques Timepiece Carriage Clock £625 $790.06   €754.25 Timepiece Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Edwardian Silver Plated Striking Carriage Clock £995 $1257.78   €1200.77 Edwardian Silver Plated Striking Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
19c French Bronze Clock With Porcelain Panel£650 $821.67   €784.42 19c French Bronze Clock With Porcelain PanelImperial Antiques Gilt Ormolu French Mantel Clock£1475 $1864.55   €1780.03 Gilt Ormolu French Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Fine Striking And Repeating Anglaise Carriage Clock£1475 $1864.55   €1780.03 Fine Striking And Repeating 'Anglaise' Carriage ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Mahogany And Inlay Mantel Clock £375 $474.04   €452.55 Mahogany And Inlay Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
French Ormalou Clock Garniture£1895 $2395.47   €2286.89 French Ormalou Clock GarnitureFernyhough Antiques French Ormalou Clock, Sevres Plaques£895 $1131.37   €1080.09 French Ormalou Clock, Sevres PlaquesFernyhough Antiques Clock£1800. $2275.38   €2172.24 ClockClassic Antiques Gilt Clock£1450. $1832.95   €1749.86 Gilt ClockClassic Antiques