Marble Antique French Clocks
Found 194 For Sale and Sold ( 44 for sale 150 sold )
$1179.14 €1142.95
Quality Antique Victorian Marble Mantle Clock London City Antiques
$3661.54 €3549.15
French White Marble And Ormolu Mantel ClockWalton House Antiques
$1843.18 €1786.6
Unusual Antique Quality French Mantle ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$1234.99 €1197.08
Antique Victorian Quality Marble Mantle Clock London City Antiques
$713.69 €691.78
A French Mable And Polished Slate Mantle ClockBeech And Springs Antiques
$1110.87 €1076.77
A Good French White Marble And Gilded Clock SetAndrew Lovatt Antiques
$738.51 €715.84
Quality Antique Victorian Eight Day Mantle Clock Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$577.16 €559.44
French Marble Clock With GarnitureDyfi Valley Antiques
$490.27 €475.22
Deco French Marble Striking Mantel Clock SetTime To Admire
$775.75 €751.94
Victorian Quality Marble Eight Day Mantle ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$18618 €18046.5
C.1895 French Moving Locomotive Gilt Bronze ClockWimbledon Furniture Ltd
$1830.77 €1774.57
Fantastic Large Victorian Mantle Clock Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$577.16 €559.44
Antique Victorian Marble Mantle Clock Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$614.39 €595.53
Antique Victorian Quality Marble ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$4654.5 €4511.63
High Quality Egyptian Influence Mantel ClockP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks
$1210.17 €1173.02
Large Antique Victorian Quality Mantle ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$1086.05 €1052.71
Quality Victorian Black Marble Clock GarnitureUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$3103 €3007.75
French Empire Marble & Ormolu ClockGeorgian Antiques
$862.63 €836.15
Victorian French Marble Clock Pinchon, Fils, ParisSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$3096.79 €3001.73
Fine French Marble Clock Garniture By Samuel MartiRobert Belcher Antiques
$4530.38 €4391.32
Siena Clock Marble French Four Glass Set By Japy FreresTempus Antique Clocks
$899.87 €872.25
A French Candelabra Clock Set GarnitureKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$806.78 €782.02
Victorian Pink Marble Clock Set, Garniture Frank Craig Antiques
$1048.81 €1016.62
Large Antique Victorian French Mantel ClockLondon City Antiques
$837.81 €812.09
A Stunning Art Deco Clock In Marble And Alabaster Vintage Rug Company Ltd
$1148.11 €1112.87
A French Empire Mantle ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$1396.35 €1353.49
Antique Victorian Marble Mantel ClockLondon City Antiques
$2792.7 €2706.98
French Rouge Marble Four Glass Clock SetShackladys Antiques