Gwenda Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories

Found 35 For Sale and Sold    ( 6 for sale  29 sold )  
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Gwenda Coronation Souvenir Compact Mirror£135.00 $174.03   €160.88 Gwenda Coronation Souvenir Compact MirrorThe Vintage Compact Shop Art Deco Powder Compact CRINOLINE LADY By Gwenda£245 $315.83   €291.97 Art Deco Powder Compact CRINOLINE LADY By GwendaDeco-World 10th ( Tin ) Wedding Anniversary Gifts For Her £134.00 $172.74   €159.69 10th ( Tin ) Wedding Anniversary Gifts For Her The Vintage Compact Shop Gwenda Tin Foil Powder Jar Crinoline Lady£114.00 $146.96   €135.85 Gwenda Tin Foil Powder Jar Crinoline LadyThe Vintage Compact Shop
Tin Wedding Gifts For Her Gwenda Powder Bowl£145.00 $186.92   €172.8 Tin Wedding Gifts For Her Gwenda Powder BowlThe Vintage Compact Shop 1950s Gwenda Powder Jar & Compact£120.00 $154.69   €143 1950s Gwenda Powder Jar & CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Art Deco Powder Compact CRINOLINE LADY By Gwenda  Art Deco Powder Compact CRINOLINE LADY By GwendaDeco-World Art Deco Powder Compact Crinoline Lady By Gwenda  Art Deco Powder Compact Crinoline Lady By GwendaDeco-World
Vintage Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Compact  Vintage Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Tin Wedding Anniversary Gift Gwenda Compact  Tin Wedding Anniversary Gift Gwenda CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Art Deco Gwenda 1930s Art Deco Ladies Powder Compact  Art Deco Gwenda 1930's Art Deco Ladies Powder CompactDeco-World Antique 10th Wedding Anniversary Gift 1930s  Antique 10th Wedding Anniversary Gift 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop
Rare Gwenda Compact & Cigarette Case Set 1950s  Rare Gwenda Compact & Cigarette Case Set 1950sThe Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Tin Wedding Anniversary Gifts Gwenda 1930s  Vintage Tin Wedding Anniversary Gifts Gwenda 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Antique Tin Wedding 10th Anniversary Gift Compact  Antique Tin Wedding 10th Anniversary Gift CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Antique Gifts For Her Gwenda Butterfly Compact   Antique Gifts For Her Gwenda Butterfly Compact The Vintage Compact Shop
Vintage Christmas Gifts Gwenda Powder Jar.  Vintage Christmas Gifts Gwenda Powder Jar.The Vintage Compact Shop Antique Gifts For Her 1938 Foil Celluloid Compact£84.00 $108.28   €100.1 Antique Gifts For Her 1938 Foil Celluloid CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop St Patricks Day Gifts Gwenda Cigarette Case  St Patricks Day Gifts Gwenda Cigarette CaseThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Gwenda Cigarette Case Compact  Rare Gwenda Cigarette Case CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop
Vintage Gwenda Kingfisher Powder Compact£69 $88.95   €82.23 Vintage Gwenda Kingfisher Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Gwenda Foil Powder Bowl  Vintage Gwenda Foil Powder BowlThe Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Art Deco Gwenda Foil Powder Compact  Vintage Art Deco Gwenda Foil Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Art Deco Gwenda Butterfly Wing Powder Compact  Art Deco Gwenda Butterfly Wing Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques
Gwenda Tap Flap Kingfisher Bird Powder Compact£75 $96.68   €89.38 Gwenda Tap Flap Kingfisher Bird Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques Vintage Art Deco Gwenda Crinoline Lady Jar£49 $63.17   €58.39 Vintage Art Deco Gwenda Crinoline Lady JarLavender Hill Antiques Vintage 1930s Gwenda Powder Bowl / Cream Jar£49 $63.17   €58.39 Vintage 1930s Gwenda Powder Bowl / Cream JarLavender Hill Antiques Rare 1938 Empire Exhibition Gwenda Powder Compact  Rare 1938 Empire Exhibition Gwenda Powder CompactLavender Hill Antiques
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