20th Century Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories

Found 2213 For Sale and Sold    ( 409 for sale  1804 sold )  
Refillable Sterling Silver Loose Powder Compact£375.00 $482.55   €448.24 Refillable Sterling Silver Loose Powder CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Vintage Melissa Loose Powder Compact£135.00 $173.72   €161.37 Rare Vintage Melissa Loose Powder CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Yardley Powder Compact£88.00 $113.24   €105.19 Vintage Yardley Powder CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Art Deco Brown Genuine Cord Ladies Handbag£295 $379.61   €352.61 Art Deco Brown Genuine Cord Ladies HandbagDeco-World
Art Deco Wool And Catalin Bakelite Slouch Bag£325 $418.21   €388.47 Art Deco Wool And Catalin Bakelite Slouch BagDeco-World Fabulous Art Deco Evening Bag£225.00 $289.53   €268.94 Fabulous Art Deco Evening BagBags Of Glamour Unused 21st Birthday Stratton Compact 1970s£110.00 $141.55   €131.48 Unused 21st Birthday Stratton Compact 1970sThe Vintage Compact Shop Art Deco Velvet And Chrome Handbag Purse£295 $379.61   €352.61 Art Deco Velvet And Chrome Handbag PurseDeco-World
Volupte Swinglok Sophisticase £100.00 $128.68   €119.53 Volupte Swinglok Sophisticase Bags Of Glamour Refillable Compact Case For Compressed Powder£88.00 $113.24   €105.19 Refillable Compact Case For Compressed PowderThe Vintage Compact Shop Butterfly Wing Compact Mirror 1930s£275.00 $353.87   €328.71 Butterfly Wing Compact Mirror 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Antique Parfumerie De Fleury NUDES Compact 1930s£575.00 $739.91   €687.3 Antique Parfumerie De Fleury NUDES Compact 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop
French Art Deco Dressing Table Manicure Set£190 $244.49   €227.11 French Art Deco Dressing Table Manicure SetElmgarden 1950s Leslie Miami Bag£165.00 $212.32   €197.22 1950's Leslie Miami BagBags Of Glamour 1920s Celluloid Compact Purse£245.00 $315.27   €292.85 1920's Celluloid Compact PurseBags Of Glamour 12th Wedding Anniversary Gift Rare Compact 1948£325.00 $418.21   €388.47 12th Wedding Anniversary Gift Rare Compact 1948The Vintage Compact Shop
Gifts For Vegans Unused Stratton Compact£110.00 $141.55   €131.48 Gifts For Vegans Unused Stratton CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Lucite Powder Compact 21st Anniversary Gifts 1950s£120.00 $154.42   €143.44 Lucite Powder Compact 21st Anniversary Gifts 1950sThe Vintage Compact Shop Solid Silver Compact Mirror 1961£125.00 $160.85   €149.41 Solid Silver Compact Mirror 1961The Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Palmolive Shampoo - Unopened£18 $23.16   €21.52 Vintage Palmolive Shampoo - UnopenedKim Antiques
Lucite Compact Mirror 10th Anniversary Gift £134.00 $172.43   €160.17 Lucite Compact Mirror 10th Anniversary Gift The Vintage Compact Shop Rare Stratton Compact / 12th Wedding Gift For Her£325.00 $418.21   €388.47 Rare Stratton Compact / 12th Wedding Gift For HerThe Vintage Compact Shop 1930s Art Deco Flapper Ballerina Porcelain Powder£475 $611.23   €567.77 1930's Art Deco Flapper Ballerina Porcelain PowderDeco-World Melissa Lucite Powder Compact 1950s£129.00 $166   €154.19 Melissa Lucite Powder Compact 1950sThe Vintage Compact Shop
Antique Silver Gifts For Her Hallmarked Compact£450.00 $579.06   €537.89 Antique Silver Gifts For Her Hallmarked CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Mappin & Webb Silver Sterling Compact 1935£1250.00 $1608.5   €1494.13 Mappin & Webb Silver Sterling Compact 1935The Vintage Compact Shop Thomas Webb & Sons Cameo Scent Bottle£1200 $1544.16   €1434.36 Thomas Webb & Sons Cameo Scent BottleRecess Antiques Art Deco 1928 Ladies Compact By Richard Hudnut£295 $379.61   €352.61 Art Deco 1928 Ladies Compact By Richard HudnutDeco-World