Mid Victorian Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories

Found 31 For Sale and Sold    ( 7 for sale  24 sold )  
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Antique Victorian Scent Bottle£75.00 $96.68   €89.38 Antique Victorian Scent BottleMelbourne Antiques Victorian Brass Skirt Lifter£115 $148.25   €137.05 Victorian Brass Skirt LifterSylvie Collett - Sewantiques Indian Carved Card Case£160 $206.26   €190.67 Indian Carved Card CaseRod Naylor Antiques Large Globe Scent Bottle, Guilloche Pink Enamel£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 Large Globe Scent Bottle, Guilloche Pink EnamelTwojays Corner Antiques
Stunning Victorian Suede And Lace Bag£500.00 $644.55   €595.85 Stunning Victorian Suede And Lace BagBags Of Glamour Victorian Whitby Jet Scent Bottle.£395 $509.19   €470.72 Victorian Whitby Jet Scent Bottle.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Tortoise Shell Card Case C.1900£135.00 $174.03   €160.88 Tortoise Shell Card Case C.1900Lavender Hill Antiques Clichy Rare Latticino Scent Bottle, C1880  Clichy Rare Latticino Scent Bottle, C1880The Purply Shop
Scent Bottle With Silver Mount, Charles May, 1893  Scent Bottle With Silver Mount, Charles May, 1893The Purply Shop Victorian Enamelled Glass Scent Bottle, C.1890£125 $161.14   €148.96 Victorian Enamelled Glass Scent Bottle, C.1890Julie Cartwright Antiques Small 19th C French Opaline Glass Scent Bottle£45 $58.01   €53.63 Small 19th C French Opaline Glass Scent BottleJulie Cartwright Antiques !9thC Bohemian Ruby Glass Silver Scent Bottle  !9thC Bohemian Ruby Glass Silver Scent BottleHarrington Antiques
French Mother Of Pearl & Gilt Metal Tussie Mussie   French Mother Of Pearl & Gilt Metal Tussie Mussie The Fancy Fox Palais Royal Blue Opaline Glass Scent Bottle.c1870  Palais Royal Blue Opaline Glass Scent Bottle.c1870Goodwin Antiques French Porcelain & Gilt Metal Scent Bottle.   French Porcelain & Gilt Metal Scent Bottle. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre C1890 French Enamel Chatelaine Compact£95 $122.46   €113.21 C1890 French Enamel Chatelaine CompactForte Antiques York
French Napoleon III Perfume Case Or Cave A Parfum  French Napoleon III Perfume Case Or Cave A ParfumJason Clarke Antiques Victorian Ladies Skirt Lifter / Hem Grip£52 $67.03   €61.97 Victorian Ladies Skirt Lifter / Hem GripPark Lane Antiques Tunbridge Ware Calling Card Case  Tunbridge Ware Calling Card CaseSylvie Collett - Sewantiques Heavy Bohemian Glass Scent  Heavy Bohemian Glass ScentSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
Victorian Tortoiseshell Aide Memoire Card Case£140 $180.47   €166.84 Victorian Tortoiseshell Aide Memoire Card CaseOsbourne Antiques French Gilt Glass & Enamelled Scent Bottle.c.1870  French Gilt Glass & Enamelled Scent Bottle.c.1870Goodwin Antiques Gilt And Jewelled Opaque Glass Scent Bottle.French  Gilt And Jewelled Opaque Glass Scent Bottle.FrenchGoodwin Antiques Victorian Combination Scent And Vinaigrette£295 $380.28   €351.55 Victorian Combination Scent And VinaigretteRecess Antiques
19thC French Mother Of Pearl Coin Purse  19thC French Mother Of Pearl Coin PurseThe Fancy Fox 19th C Card Case,Mother Of Pearl & Abalone.£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 19th C Card Case,Mother Of Pearl & Abalone.Goodwin Antiques Antique Posy Holder Tussie Mussie C.1860£395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique Posy Holder Tussie Mussie C.1860Puckerings Antiques 19th Cent.Tortoiseshell Card Case/Aide Memoire.£155.00 $199.81   €184.71 19th Cent.Tortoiseshell Card Case/Aide Memoire.Goodwin Antiques
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