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Silver & Enamel Rococo Compact

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Silver & Enamel Rococo Compact %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Gorgeous! A collector's dream and getting so difficult to find in this sort of exquisite condition! This beautiful, fan shaped, scolloped edged, Silver & Enamel powder compact beautifully enamelled into a Rococco style of swirling foilage, hand engraved to both the front and rear. The Enamel top depicting the painting by Nicolas Lancret (c.1743) of "The Music Lesson" - Framed with deep blue, marble effect enamel. The clasps and hinges are in excellent order, close fitting and secure. The framed deeply bevelled mirror is clear and in excellent order. Italian workmanship at its finest, with a good weight, this is a quality piece, it is stamped to the inner base 800 (continental silver standard) mirror frame. The original shaped sifter is present A beautiful example of a book piece that will delight the most discerning of collectors. Please do not hesitate to call or email for more pictures or details on this fabulous piece.

PriceThis item is now RESERVED Dimensions3.5" (9cm) x 3.6/8" (7.2cm) Category Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories Date 1900  Material Silver Origin Italian Condition Excellent A1 Item code as144a032 Status Sold

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Silver & Enamel Rococo Compact



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