French Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories
Found 139 For Sale and Sold ( 27 for sale 112 sold )
$561.02 €537.8
G. Kessler,Paris.,Scent / Cologne Bottles.Cased.Goodwin Antiques
$1090.86 €1045.71
Louis XVI Moroccan Leather And Silver Hussif/PurseBags Of Glamour
$81.04 €77.68
19th.C French Etched Glass Cologne BottleJulie Cartwright Antiques
$168.3 €161.34
Hermes Equipage Facile Perfume Display BottleArt Furniture
$149.6 €143.41
Hermes Belami Facile Display Bottle.Art Furniture
$168.3 €161.34
Hermes Amazone Facile Shop Display Perfume BottleArt Furniture
$592.18 €567.67
Art Deco Alabaster French Powder Vanity Jar, C1930Deco-World
$492.45 €472.06
Art Deco 1930's Ceramic Powder BowlDeco-World
$305.44 €292.8
Art Deco French Celluloid Ladies Powder Jar, C1930Deco-World
$199.47 €191.22
Victorian Handpainted Porcelain Scent Bottle Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$479.98 €460.11
Art Deco Marcel Frank Atomizer, C1930Deco-World
$623.35 €597.55
Stunning Victorian Suede And Lace BagBags Of Glamour
$280.51 €268.9
Tortoiseshell & Gold Pique Aide MemoirSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
$342.84 €328.65
Butterfly Wing Compact Mirror 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop
$236.87 €227.07
French Art Deco Dressing Table Manicure SetElmgarden
$592.18 €567.67
1930's Art Deco Flapper Ballerina Porcelain PowderDeco-World
$47.37 €45.41
Sale On. Pair Of 1930's Refillable Perfume BottlesBarnhill Trading Co.
$367.78 €352.55
Art Deco Black Grosgain And Bakelite BagDeco-World
$43.63 €41.83
Vintage French Perfume Atomizer By StepBarnhill Trading Co.
$47.37 €45.41
Perfume Atomizer By VCA FranceBarnhill Trading Co.
$349.08 €334.63
Art Deco Bakelite Ladies Purse.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$218.17 €209.14
French Celluloid Compact Romantic Pastoral SceneThe Vintage Compact Shop
$1870.05 €1792.65
Mid 20th Century Pill BoxRecess Antiques
$43.63 €41.83
Vintage Coty CompactBarnhill Trading Co.
$529.85 €507.92
Extremely Rare Antique Bienamie Rouge / CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop
$367.78 €352.55
Rare French Antique ARTES CUPID CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop
$366.53 €351.36
Vintage Novelty Compact / EtuiThe Vintage Compact Shop
$224.41 €215.12
Clichy Rare Latticino Scent Bottle, C1880The Purply Shop