Antique Silver Jugs

Found 703 For Sale and Sold    ( 120 for sale  583 sold )  
Sterling Silver Tea Set£750 $970.95   €888.6 Sterling Silver Tea SetConnollys Clocks Strawberry Set£235 $304.23   €278.43 Strawberry SetRecess Antiques Victorian Silver Zodiac Jug 1883£495 $640.83   €586.48 Victorian Silver Zodiac Jug 1883The Antiques Bazaar Birmingham Silver Cream Jug & Sugar  Birmingham Silver Cream Jug & SugarAfonwen Antique Centre
Birmingham Silver Cream Jug£102 $132.05   €120.85 Birmingham Silver Cream JugAfonwen Antique Centre Art Nouveau Silver Plated Jug£88 $113.92   €104.26 Art Nouveau Silver Plated JugAntiques Affair Ornate Solid Silver Cream Jug And Sugar £475.00 $614.94   €562.78 Ornate Solid Silver Cream Jug And Sugar Millbrook Antiques Superb Solid Silver Jug Newcastle Mark£275.00 $356.02   €325.82 Superb Solid Silver Jug Newcastle MarkMillbrook Antiques
Unusual William IV Spiral Fluted Silver Milk Jug  Unusual William IV Spiral Fluted Silver Milk JugThe Fancy Fox Vintage Silver Topped Blotter, Birmingham, 1986£100 $129.46   €118.48 Vintage Silver Topped Blotter, Birmingham, 1986Burnell And Rowe Victorian Silver Cream Jug, Chester, 1897£150 $194.19   €177.72 Victorian Silver Cream Jug, Chester, 1897Burnell And Rowe Victorian Cut Crystal Pitcher With Silver Lid, 1897£375 $485.48   €444.3 Victorian Cut Crystal Pitcher With Silver Lid, 1897Burnell And Rowe
Edwardian Silver Cream Jug, Haseler Bros, 1905£250 $323.65   €296.2 Edwardian Silver Cream Jug, Haseler Bros, 1905Burnell And Rowe Victorian Silver Mounted Whisky Noggin Or Tot Jug  Victorian Silver Mounted Whisky Noggin Or Tot JugWoodbridge Antiques Victorian Silver Jug, Goldsmiths London 1898£285 $368.96   €337.67 Victorian Silver Jug, Goldsmiths London 1898Acanthus Silver Arts & Craft Silver Cream Jug By A.E. Jones, 1913£375 $485.48   €444.3 Arts & Craft Silver Cream Jug By A.E. Jones, 1913Julie Cartwright Antiques
George III Silver Cream Jug, Hester Bateman, 1779£400 $517.84   €473.92 George III Silver Cream Jug, Hester Bateman, 1779Burnell And Rowe Art Nouveau Silver Mounted Claret Jug, London 1892£500 $647.3   €592.4 Art Nouveau Silver Mounted Claret Jug, London 1892Burnell And Rowe George II Silver Mug, John King, London, 1759£380 $491.95   €450.22 George II Silver Mug, John King, London, 1759Burnell And Rowe Georgian Irish Fluted Silver Cream Jug Dublin 1801  Georgian Irish Fluted Silver Cream Jug Dublin 1801The Fancy Fox
Victorian Silver & Glass Claret Jug John Grinsell£595 $770.29   €704.96 Victorian Silver & Glass Claret Jug John GrinsellWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Antique Silver Cream Jug Birmingham 1924  Antique Silver Cream Jug Birmingham 1924Woodbridge Antiques Silver Tea Set Birmingham 1931 By William Suckling  Silver Tea Set Birmingham 1931 By William SucklingWoodbridge Antiques Georgian Silver Cream Jug Hallmarked London 1799  Georgian Silver Cream Jug Hallmarked London 1799Woodbridge Antiques
Victorian Silver Bottle Stopper With Drunken Man  Victorian Silver Bottle Stopper With Drunken ManWoodbridge Antiques George III Silver Cream Jug  George III Silver Cream JugSturmans Antiques Ltd Large George V Silver Wine Ewer  Large George V Silver Wine EwerSturmans Antiques Ltd Fine Art Deco Cased Silver Strawberry Serving Set   Fine Art Deco Cased Silver Strawberry Serving Set The Fancy Fox