Antique Silver Jugs
Found 719 For Sale and Sold ( 134 for sale 585 sold )
$260.65 €252.65
Jugendstil Art Nouveau German Silver Cream JugThe Fancy Fox
$117.91 €114.29
George 111 Late 18th Cent Silver Cream JugChapman Antiques
$242.03 €234.6
Attractive Miniature Silver Ewer Sheffield 1913Penrose Antiques
$366.15 €354.91
Fine Edwardian Art Nouveau Lobed Silver Sauce BoatThe Fancy Fox
$204.8 €198.51
Solid Silver Cream JugPear Tree Antiques
$347.54 €336.87
Silver Claret JugDunkeld Antiques
$862.63 €836.15
Silver Mounted London Claret JugSturmans Antiques Ltd
$179.97 €174.45
Silver Cream Jug 1824Fairford Barn Antiques
$80.68 €78.2
Small Edwardian Silver Cream JugNo. 25
$86.88 €84.22
Small Edwardian Silver Cream JugNo. 25
$403.39 €391.01
George 111 Silver Creamer. London 1765Greestone Antiques
$186.18 €180.47
Jug Shaped Mustard PotFernyhough Antiques
$738.51 €715.84
Wonderful Edwardian Silver Claret JugFernyhough Antiques
$366.15 €354.91
Very Nice Silver Cream Jug London 1757Fernyhough Antiques
$3413.3 €3308.53
C.1912 Pair Silver Harry Freeman Coffee Milk JugsWimbledon Furniture Ltd
$4902.74 €4752.25
Silver 4 Piece Tea Service By Walker & Hall, 1916D.J. Massey And Son
$279.27 €270.7
George II Silver Cream Jug, Hallmarked 1737Baldwyn Antiques
$279.27 €270.7
Cased Silver Jug, Haseler Brothers, 1890Baldwyn Antiques
$775.75 €751.94
Antique Silver Cafe Au Lait Pots London 1931Millbrook Antiques
$614.39 €595.53
Silver Cream And Sugar - Art Deco - London 1935Puckerings Antiques
$273.06 €264.68
Geo.lll Bright Cut Silver Cream Jug. Ldn 1816Goodwin Antiques
$96.81 €93.84
Early 19th / Late 20th Century Silver Cream JugRecess Antiques
$279.27 €270.7
Silver Victorian Helmet Shaped Cream Jug, 1885D.J. Massey And Son
$1359.11 €1317.39
Edwardian Silver Three Piece Coffee Service.D.J. Massey And Son
$105.5 €102.26
Silver Cream JugRecess Antiques
$5399.22 €5233.49
Victorian Silver Four Piece Tea Coffee Service.D.J. Massey And Son
$197.35 €191.29
Antique Silver Milk Jug And Sugar Basin C1935Afonwen Antique Centre
$167.56 €162.42
Antique Silver Cream Jug - Hallmarked-London 1802Emma Design - Antique Silver