Antique Silver Jugs

Found 703 For Sale and Sold    ( 120 for sale  583 sold )  
Victorian Silver Cream Jug, Thomas Hayes, 1892£100 $129.46   €118.48 Victorian Silver Cream Jug, Thomas Hayes, 1892Burnell And Rowe Small Victorian Twin Handled Pot Sheffield 1895  Small Victorian Twin Handled Pot Sheffield 1895Woodbridge Antiques Quality William IV Silver Christening Mug, 1837£180 $233.03   €213.26 Quality William IV Silver Christening Mug, 1837William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Small Nicely Shaped Silver Cream Jug Birm 1899  Small Nicely Shaped Silver Cream Jug Birm' 1899Woodbridge Antiques
Art Deco Silver Tea Set By Henry Clifford Davis,   Art Deco Silver Tea Set By Henry Clifford Davis, William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Pretty Victorian Silver Cream Jug London 1895  Pretty Victorian Silver Cream Jug London 1895Woodbridge Antiques Edwardian Silver Cream Jug, Chester, 1907£75 $97.1   €88.86 Edwardian Silver Cream Jug, Chester, 1907Burnell And Rowe Lovely Silver Jug Vine Decoration London 1858  Lovely Silver Jug Vine Decoration London 1858Woodbridge Antiques
Pretty Victorian Silver Cream Jug Sheffield 1879  Pretty Victorian Silver Cream Jug Sheffield 1879Woodbridge Antiques Victorian Silver Hot Water Jug, Chester, 1898£450 $582.57   €533.16 Victorian Silver Hot Water Jug, Chester, 1898Burnell And Rowe George III Cut Glass & Silver Vinegar Bottle, 1792£180 $233.03   €213.26 George III Cut Glass & Silver Vinegar Bottle, 1792Burnell And Rowe Small Silver Jug£69 $89.33   €81.75 Small Silver JugMargaret Ann Antiques
Silver Mounted Lemonade Jug  Silver Mounted Lemonade JugWillows Antiques & Interiors Large Silver Mounted Lemonade Jug  Large Silver Mounted Lemonade JugWillows Antiques & Interiors George V Solid Silver Three Piece Tea Set, 1925£875 $1132.78   €1036.7 George V Solid Silver Three Piece Tea Set, 1925William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Victorian Silver Cream Jug By Female Silversmith£225 $291.29   €266.58 Victorian Silver Cream Jug By Female SilversmithGuy Ellis Antiques
Art Deco Lemonade Jug£275.00 $356.02   €325.82 Art Deco Lemonade JugCocknbull Collectables Victorian Solid Silver Mounted Claret Jug, 1894  Victorian Solid Silver Mounted Claret Jug, 1894William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) 19th C. Dutch Silver Cream Jug, Schoonhoven, 1891£70 $90.62   €82.94 19th C. Dutch Silver Cream Jug, Schoonhoven, 1891Burnell And Rowe George VI Silver Strawberries & Cream Set, 1936/7£340 $440.16   €402.83 George VI Silver Strawberries & Cream Set, 1936/7Burnell And Rowe
Victorian Silver Cream Jug, H,A & S, London, 1889£100 $129.46   €118.48 Victorian Silver Cream Jug, H,A & S, London, 1889Burnell And Rowe Fine Continental Silver Ewer  Fine Continental Silver EwerPrometheus Antiques Small Antique Creamer, English Sterling Silver Jug£875 $1132.78   €1036.7 Small Antique Creamer, English Sterling Silver JugLondon Fine Antiques  Victorian Silver & Cut Glass Claret Jug  Victorian Silver & Cut Glass Claret JugWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
Impressive Indian Silver Three Piece Tea Set  Impressive Indian Silver Three Piece Tea SetWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Victorian Water Cocktail Jug, 1900  Victorian Water Cocktail Jug, 1900William Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) George V Solid Silver Four Piece Tea & Coffee Set£1000 $1294.6   €1184.8 George V Solid Silver Four Piece Tea & Coffee SetWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) George III Silver Helmet Shaped Cream Jug£225 $291.29   €266.58 George III Silver Helmet Shaped Cream JugGuy Ellis Antiques