Pre 16th Century Antiques

Found 529 For Sale and Sold    ( 146 for sale )  
Mid 15th C Rondel Dagger£485 $625.21   €577.97 Mid 15th C Rondel DaggerForte Antiques York Late Medieval Knightly Hand And A Half Sword£4250 $5478.68   €5064.73 Late Medieval Knightly Hand And A Half SwordForte Antiques York The Viking Age Sword, Second Half 10th C£5350 $6896.69   €6375.6 The Viking Age Sword, Second Half 10th CForte Antiques York 15th C Bollock Dagger £485 $625.21   €577.97 15th C Bollock Dagger Forte Antiques York
Medieval Rondel Dagger, Early 1400s£525 $676.78   €625.64 Medieval Rondel Dagger, Early 1400sForte Antiques York A Pair Of Late 16th Century Flanders Prickets£1850 $2384.84   €2204.65 A Pair Of Late 16th Century Flanders PricketsYoungs Antiques James Lucking Birmingham Victorian Barometer£135 $174.03   €160.88 James Lucking Birmingham Victorian BarometerKembery Antique Clocks Ltd A 13th-14th Century Anthropomorphic Vessel£550 $709.01   €655.44 A 13th-14th Century Anthropomorphic VesselYoungs Antiques
A Rare Celtic Limestone Marker. C750 -12bc£3500 $4511.85   €4170.95 A Rare Celtic Limestone Marker. C750 -12bcYoungs Antiques Trio Of Yorkshire Monastic Stone Columns£900.00 $1160.19   €1072.53 Trio Of Yorkshire Monastic Stone ColumnsDoe And Hope 15thC Shipwreck Ceramic Jar From The Royal Nanhai£580.00 $747.68   €691.19 15thC Shipwreck Ceramic Jar From The Royal NanhaiDoe And Hope Large Calcite Stalagmite Specimen C.700 B.C.£950.00 $1224.65   €1132.12 Large Calcite Stalagmite Specimen C.700 B.C.Doe And Hope
Monastic Medieval Limestone Column C.1400 & Later£775.00 $999.05   €923.57 Monastic Medieval Limestone Column C.1400 & LaterDoe And Hope 15th Century Weather Worn Istrian Carved Stone Font  15th Century Weather Worn Istrian Carved Stone FontElmgarden Ancient Roman Thumb Seal Ring With Venus  Ancient Roman Thumb Seal Ring With VenusWalcot And Co Roman Period Carved Marble Fragment Of A Left Hand£900.00 $1160.19   €1072.53 Roman Period Carved Marble Fragment Of A Left HandDoe And Hope
15thC Nottingham Antique Alabaster C1450 The Last Supper£9000 $11601.9   €10725.3 15thC Nottingham Antique Alabaster C1450 The Last SupperHolt Antique Furniture Fine 15th Century Gothic Carved Oak Panel Of Saint  Fine 15th Century Gothic Carved Oak Panel Of SaintPre-1800 Antiques Stunning Ancient Hellenistic Terracotta Head Roman£395 $509.19   €470.72 Stunning Ancient Hellenistic Terracotta Head RomanIslamique Antiques Beautiful Islamic Green Glass Bottle C.8th-10thC£490.00 $631.66   €583.93 Beautiful Islamic Green Glass Bottle C.8th-10thCDoe And Hope
Rare Medieval Bronze Pot  Rare Medieval Bronze PotPaul Michael Farnham Polished Orthoceras Fossil Mounted On Chrome Base   Polished Orthoceras Fossil Mounted On Chrome Base LVS Decorative Arts 15th Century Carved Stone Head Sculpture  15th Century Carved Stone Head SculptureAntique Hadden A Rare 15th Century Gothic Oak Coffer  A Rare 15th Century Gothic Oak CofferAntique Hadden
Rare 15thC English Antique Oak Carved Pew End£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Rare 15thC English Antique Oak Carved Pew EndHolt Antique Furniture Ancient Dartmoor Bog Oak Sculpture   Ancient Dartmoor Bog Oak Sculpture Paul Michael Farnham Islamic Dirham 1,200 Years Old Wasit Iraq Silver£295 $380.28   €351.55 Islamic Dirham 1,200 Years Old Wasit Iraq SilverIslamique Antiques A Medieval Carved Grotesque Angel  A Medieval Carved Grotesque AngelAntique Hadden