Early Victorian Antiques
Found 9220 For Sale and Sold ( 1832 for sale )
$214.11 €207.85
1840 Lord Byron Life & Works Leather Bound 2 VolsElder Books And Collectables
$4710.48 €4572.65
William IV Split Base Mahogany Extending Dining TablePhilip Hunt Antiques
$972.68 €944.22
Antique Upholstered Footstool, English, FiresideLondon Fine Antiques
$458.81 €445.39
Victorian Mahogany Console Table.Vantiques
$201.88 €195.97
$7891.58 €7660.67
Imposing Victorian Mahogany Breakfront BookcaseCamden Antiques
$2287.95 €2221
19th C Goncalo Alves Kidney Shape OttomanWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
$2752.88 €2672.33
19th Century English Skeleton Clock.Ascot Antique Clocks Ltd
$2073.83 €2013.15
19th Century Ormolu Louis XIV Style French ClockAscot Antique Clocks Ltd
$1529.38 €1484.63
Lefaucheux Modèle 1854 Pinfire RevolverSovereign Antiques
$4832.83 €4691.42
C.1840 Lion's Head Chesterfield Library ArmchairRoyal House Antiques
$1192.91 €1158.01
Early Victorian Mahogany Side Cabinet LT Antiques
$1584.43 €1538.07
Antique Jardiniere Bowl, Japanese, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques
$483.28 €469.14
Enfield 2 Band Musket 1853 Pattern Sovereign Antiques
$360.93 €350.37
Captains ChairGaylord Antiques
$2997.58 €2909.87
Antique Spoon Back Elbow Chair, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques
$550.58 €534.47
Victorian Mahogany 2 Drawer Hall/ Serving TablePaul Watson Antiques
$391.52 €380.06
French WashstandYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
$727.98 €706.68
Solid Oak Treasure Chest / Storage TrunkLT Antiques
$1829.13 €1775.61
Burr Elm & Marble Top Commode C.1840Collinge Antiques
$1706.78 €1656.84
Antique Dressing Table Box, English, BoudoirLondon Fine Antiques
$3119.93 €3028.64
Antique Ladies Travelling Box, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$581.16 €564.16
19th Century Mahogany Side TableJames R Millington Antiques
$1407.03 €1365.86
Antique Victorian Mahogany Chaise Longue (c.1850)Yola Gray Antiques
$1192.91 €1158.01
Music Box 8 AirsSovereign Antiques
$1095.03 €1062.99
Victorian Mahogany Double Open Dwarf BookcaseLT Antiques
$1584.43 €1538.07
Antique Hall Mirror, French, Gilt Gesso, OrnateLondon Fine Antiques
$709.63 €688.87
A Good Heavy Zulu AssegaiSmiths Vintage