Late 18th Century Antiques

Found 14352 For Sale and Sold    ( 2809 for sale )  
Hepplewhite Satinwood Serpentine Pembroke Table£4450 $5736.5   €5303.07 Hepplewhite Satinwood Serpentine Pembroke TableLeslie And Baggott Large Georgian Glass Rummer£85 $109.57   €101.29 Large Georgian Glass RummerLeslie And Baggott Rare First Period Worcester Porcelain Butter Boat £215 $277.16   €256.22 Rare First Period Worcester Porcelain Butter Boat The Fancy Fox Late 18thc Mahogany Bow Front Chest Of Drawers£2250.00 $2900.48   €2681.33 Late 18thc Mahogany Bow Front Chest Of DrawersLVS Decorative Arts
Stunning First Period Worcester Porcelain Basket£465 $599.43   €554.14 Stunning First Period Worcester Porcelain BasketThe Fancy Fox Georgian Mahogany Bureau Bookcase£1650 $2127.02   €1966.31 Georgian Mahogany Bureau BookcaseLT Antiques Georgian Mahogany Bowfront Commode Chest£9500 $12246.45   €11321.15 Georgian Mahogany Bowfront Commode ChestLeslie And Baggott 18th Century Antique Painting, Lady With Parrot£8300 $10699.53   €9891.11 18th Century Antique Painting, Lady With ParrotParino Mercato Antiquario
Georgian Mahogany Chest Of Drawers, Or Desk£3259 $4201.18   €3883.75 Georgian Mahogany Chest Of Drawers, Or DeskLeslie And Baggott George III Tambour-Front, Tray-Top Bedside Locker£1150 $1482.47   €1370.46 George III Tambour-Front, Tray-Top Bedside LockerGeorgian Antiques 1816 The Linnaean System Of Botany In Four Volumes£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 1816 The Linnaean System Of Botany In Four VolumesHarrington Antiques Large Antique Cartographers Magnifying Glass£985 $1269.76   €1173.82 Large Antique Cartographer's Magnifying GlassLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Silver Chest, English, Oak, Iron Bound£2250 $2900.48   €2681.33 Antique Silver Chest, English, Oak, Iron BoundLondon Fine Antiques Throne Chair Country Oak Carved Ht  65 Inch 1780£1885 $2429.95   €2246.35 Throne Chair Country Oak Carved Ht 65 Inch 1780Trade Antiques Georgian Side Arm£245 $315.83   €291.97 Georgian Side ArmSovereign Antiques French Arm Chair Late 18th Century£450 $580.1   €536.27 French Arm Chair Late 18th CenturyRumble Antiques
18th Century Hanging Display Cupboard£450 $580.1   €536.27 18th Century Hanging Display CupboardRumble Antiques 18th Century Oak Cricket Table W631£975 $1256.87   €1161.91 18th Century Oak Cricket Table W631Prichard Antiques Antique Georgian Period Mahogany Leather Top Desk£4750 $6123.23   €5660.58 Antique Georgian Period Mahogany Leather Top DeskMarylebone Antiques Rare First Period Worcester Yellow Ground Basket£525 $676.78   €625.64 Rare First Period Worcester Yellow Ground BasketThe Fancy Fox
Rare First Period Worcester Rubber Tree Plant Dish£285 $367.39   €339.63 Rare First Period Worcester Rubber Tree Plant DishThe Fancy Fox Rare First Period Worcester Kidney Dessert Dish£365 $470.52   €434.97 Rare First Period Worcester Kidney Dessert DishThe Fancy Fox Sheraton Period Sofa Table£7500 $9668.25   €8937.75 Sheraton Period Sofa TableSalisbury Antiques Centre George III Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£780 $1005.5   €929.53 George III Mahogany Chest Of DrawersSalisbury Antiques Centre
Long French Oak Sideboard C.1780£2495 $3216.3   €2973.29 Long French Oak Sideboard C.1780Collinge Antiques Large Early 19th Century Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke £1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Large Early 19th Century Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Martlesham Antiques Large 18th Century Normandy Farmhouse Table£3950 $5091.95   €4707.22 Large 18th Century Normandy Farmhouse TableSussex Antiques And Interiors Georgian Mahogany Pembroke Table C.1800£695 $895.92   €828.23 Georgian Mahogany Pembroke Table C.1800Collinge Antiques