16th Century Antiques

Found 492 For Sale and Sold    ( 96 for sale )  
Late 16th Century Pair Of Knights Armour Stirrups£1825 $2316.84   €2205.33 Late 16th Century Pair Of Knights Armour StirrupsFerreira Antiques 16th Century Flemish Antique Tapestry £3950 $5014.53   €4773.18 16th Century Flemish Antique Tapestry Holt Antique Furniture 16th C. Chinese Ceramic Swatow Dish, D_28 Cm£895 $1136.2   €1081.52 16th C. Chinese Ceramic Swatow Dish, D_28 CmDubinins Antiques And Atelier German 16thc Carved Figure ,saint John £600 $761.7   €725.04 German 16thc Carved Figure ,saint John Tyrrell Antiques
Rare Fatimid Seljuk Mihrab / Minbar Wooden Roundel£1750 $2221.63   €2114.7 Rare Fatimid Seljuk Mihrab / Minbar Wooden RoundelIslamique Antiques Antique Religious Church Stained Glass Window£3000 $3808.5   €3625.2 Antique Religious Church Stained Glass WindowTomkinson Stained Glass Period Oak Court Cupboard.circa 1580/1600.£6750 $8569.13   €8156.7 Period Oak Court Cupboard.circa 1580/1600.Borders Antique Centre Fine Quality Large Antique Table Lamp  Solid Brass£260 $330.07   €314.18 Fine Quality Large Antique Table Lamp Solid BrassAntiques Affair
16th Century Antique Oak Boarded Chest / Coffer£1495 $1897.9   €1806.56 16th Century Antique Oak Boarded Chest / CofferHolt Antique Furniture 16th Century Spanish Or Italian Mortar£1250 $1586.88   €1510.5 16th Century Spanish Or Italian MortarAileen Cameron Decorative Antiques Tudor Boarded Chest Cart Wheel Cross South Wales£1250 $1586.88   €1510.5 Tudor Boarded Chest Cart Wheel Cross South WalesPre-1800 Antiques Venetian Key  Venetian KeyBrian Morland - Locksmith Heritage Artefacts
Untouched 16th Century Tudor Boarded Oak Chest   Untouched 16th Century Tudor Boarded Oak Chest Pre-1800 Antiques 16th Century Composite 3/4 Italian Style Armour £6500 $8251.75   €7854.6 16th Century Composite 3/4 Italian Style Armour KOE Antiques Thai 16-17th Century Ayutthaya Bronze Buddha Bust£550 $698.23   €664.62 Thai 16-17th Century Ayutthaya Bronze Buddha BustTimesAncient Medieval Sandstone Head 1500s  Medieval Sandstone Head 1500sAntiquities And Artefacts
Primitive Carved 16th Century 5 Plank Oak Coffer  Primitive Carved 16th Century 5 Plank Oak CofferElmgarden Muromachi Tanto, Signed Kanefusa, February 1522  Muromachi Tanto, Signed Kanefusa, February 1522Boyar Armoury 17th Century Carved Oak Saint Statue£2800 $3554.6   €3383.52 17th Century Carved Oak Saint StatueKOE Antiques 19th Century One Gallon Copper Measuring Jug£250 $317.38   €302.1 19th Century One Gallon Copper Measuring JugMartlesham Antiques
Original 1561 Engraving Of Mining & Metallurgy£95 $120.6   €114.8 Original 1561 Engraving Of Mining & MetallurgyElder Books And Collectables Engraving Mining & Metallurgy By Georgii Agricolae£95 $120.6   €114.8 Engraving Mining & Metallurgy By Georgii AgricolaeElder Books And Collectables 16th Century Tracery Panel 1500s  16th Century Tracery Panel 1500sAntiquities And Artefacts Queen Elizabeth I Oak Refectory Table£3600 $4570.2   €4350.24 Queen Elizabeth I Oak Refectory TableSalisbury Antiques Centre
16th Century Elizabethan Oak Livery Cupboard  16th Century Elizabethan Oak Livery CupboardSchool House Antiques 16thc Cabaset Helmet£850 $1079.08   €1027.14 16thc Cabaset HelmetSalisbury Antiques Centre 16th Century Carved Oak Panel  16th Century Carved Oak PanelHobson May Collection 16th Century Oak Linenfold Panel  16th Century Oak Linenfold PanelHobson May Collection