
Found 3700 For Sale and Sold    ( 794 for sale  2906 sold )  
19th Century Two Gallon Copper Measuring Jug£350 $450.38   €418.36 19th Century Two Gallon Copper Measuring JugMartlesham Antiques Large Antique George III Copper And Brass Log Bin£1285 $1653.54   €1535.96 Large Antique George III Copper And Brass Log BinLondon City Antiques Antique Quality Copper Helmet Coal Scuttle£495 $636.97   €591.67 Antique Quality Copper Helmet Coal ScuttleLondon City Antiques Arts And Crafts  Wall Pocket Planter£545 $701.31   €651.44 Arts And Crafts Wall Pocket PlanterElmgarden
Antique Quality Copper Saucepan Stamped Liptons£550 $707.74   €657.42 Antique Quality Copper Saucepan Stamped LiptonsLondon City Antiques Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle £325 $418.21   €388.47 Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle London City Antiques Small Antique Tobacco Tin, English, Copper£195 $250.93   €233.08 Small Antique Tobacco Tin, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques Victorian Quality Dutch Copper Spirit Kettle£425 $546.89   €508 Victorian Quality Dutch Copper Spirit KettleUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Set Of 6 Antique Cloche Covers, English, Copper£985 $1267.5   €1177.37 Set Of 6 Antique Cloche Covers, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques Arts & Crafts Copper And Wrought Iron Coal Receive£780 $1003.7   €932.33 Arts & Crafts Copper And Wrought Iron Coal ReceiveChurch Street Antiques Antique Copper Fish Kettle Planter£345 $443.95   €412.38 Antique Copper Fish Kettle PlanterFerreira Antiques Large 19th Century Copper Pot With Verdigris Finis£840 $1080.91   €1004.05 Large 19th Century Copper Pot With Verdigris FinisMalcolm Eglin Antiques
Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass Standard Lamp£1350 $1737.18   €1613.66 Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass Standard LampChurch Street Antiques WW2 Royal Australian Air Force Copper Lidded Pot £65 $83.64   €77.69 WW2 Royal Australian Air Force Copper Lidded Pot Penrose Antiques Hugh Wallis Arts And Crafts Copper Tray £80 $102.94   €95.62 Hugh Wallis Arts And Crafts Copper Tray Vladds Interiors Antique Victorian Quality Copper And Brass Samovar£585 $752.78   €699.25 Antique Victorian Quality Copper And Brass SamovarLondon City Antiques
Decorative Vegetable Garden Scales  £345 $443.95   €412.38 Decorative Vegetable Garden Scales Elmgarden Yattendon Arts & Crafts Copper Charger C.1905£495 $636.97   €591.67 Yattendon Arts & Crafts Copper Charger C.1905Collinge Antiques Mid 19th Century Oversized Copper Coffee Pot£285 $366.74   €340.66 Mid 19th Century Oversized Copper Coffee PotPaul Doran Antiques Huge Antique Copper Dairy Pan £140 $180.15   €167.34 Huge Antique Copper Dairy Pan Welsh Vernacular Antiques
Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle£315 $405.34   €376.52 Antique George III Quality Copper KettleLondon City Antiques Otto Von Bismarck & Helmuth Von Moltke The Elder £5000 $6434   €5976.5 Otto Von Bismarck & Helmuth Von Moltke The Elder Sovereign Antiques Trench Art Keg On Stand £95.00 $122.25   €113.55 Trench Art Keg On Stand Brian Knapp Antiques 19th Century Copper Pot£225.00 $289.53   €268.94 19th Century Copper PotHobson May Collection
Hugh Wallis Arts And Crafts Copper Display Plate£75 $96.51   €89.65 Hugh Wallis Arts And Crafts Copper Display PlatePenrose Antiques Petite Georgian Copper Kettle Circa 1820£165 $212.32   €197.22 Petite Georgian Copper Kettle Circa 1820Paul Doran Antiques An Early 19thc Riveted Antique Copper Log Bin Or Planter£695 $894.33   €830.73 An Early 19thc Riveted Antique Copper Log Bin Or PlanterElmgarden Pair Of Copper And Brass Buckets£750 $965.1   €896.48 Pair Of Copper And Brass BucketsGeorgian Antiques