
Found 3700 For Sale and Sold    ( 794 for sale  2906 sold )  
William And Mary Half Penny 1694£140 $180.15   €167.34 William And Mary Half Penny 1694Recess Antiques 18th Century Mater Dolorosa Oil On Copper Painting£1795 $2309.81   €2145.56 18th Century Mater Dolorosa Oil On Copper PaintingDreams Less Sweet Antiques Folding Copper And Fine Mesh Spark Fire Guard £450 $579.06   €537.89 Folding Copper And Fine Mesh Spark Fire Guard Elmgarden Large Art Nouveau Copper Pedestal Jardinaire£1250 $1608.5   €1494.13 Large Art Nouveau Copper Pedestal JardinaireChurch Street Antiques
Brass & Copper Green Leather Art Deco Club Fender£1950 $2509.26   €2330.84 Brass & Copper Green Leather Art Deco Club FenderElmgarden  Antique Arts & Crafts Copper Small Bowl£30 $38.6   €35.86 Antique Arts & Crafts Copper Small BowlKim Antiques Antique Drinking Vessel-Stein - 18th Century£495.00 $636.97   €591.67 Antique Drinking Vessel-Stein - 18th CenturySunnyside Antiques Arts And Crafts Copper Charger £140 $180.15   €167.34 Arts And Crafts Copper Charger Flemish Chandeliers
19th Century Arts And Crafts Riveted Copper Fender£995 $1280.37   €1189.32 19th Century Arts And Crafts Riveted Copper FenderElmgarden Arts And Crafts Copper Slipper Box£225 $289.53   €268.94 Arts And Crafts Copper Slipper BoxPrometheus Antiques Victorian Fireside Copper Copper Heavy Guage£550 $707.74   €657.42 Victorian Fireside Copper Copper Heavy GuageArt Furniture Early 20thC Copper And Brass French Crop Sprayer L£480 $617.66   €573.74 Early 20thC Copper And Brass French Crop Sprayer LChurch Street Antiques
Arts & Crafts Beaten Copper Wall Mirror£475 $611.23   €567.77 Arts & Crafts Beaten Copper Wall MirrorChurch Street Antiques Copper Alloy Seated Figure Buddha Europe Fashion£3000 $3860.4   €3585.9 Copper Alloy Seated Figure Buddha Europe FashionCountry House And Eastern Interiors Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing,12thc£1750 $2251.9   €2091.78 Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing,12thcCountry House And Eastern Interiors Museum Javanese Gold Gilt Dewi Tara Statuette.£1995 $2567.17   €2384.62 Museum Javanese Gold Gilt Dewi Tara Statuette.Country House And Eastern Interiors
A Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing Buddha. 13thc£1495 $1923.77   €1786.97 A Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing Buddha. 13thcCountry House And Eastern Interiors Antique Pouring Jug, English, Copper£785 $1010.14   €938.31 Antique Pouring Jug, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques Antique Fireside Helmet Scuttle, English, Copper£795 $1023.01   €950.26 Antique Fireside Helmet Scuttle, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques Antique Ottoman Empire Waste Paper Bin£495 $636.97   €591.67 Antique Ottoman Empire Waste Paper BinLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Water Bucket, Burmese, Silvered Copper£985 $1267.5   €1177.37 Antique Water Bucket, Burmese, Silvered CopperLondon Fine Antiques Carl Deffner Art Nouveau Copper Brass Jardiniere£165.00 $212.32   €197.22 Carl Deffner Art Nouveau Copper Brass JardiniereLevels Antiques Arts And Crafts Copper Stick Stand, Umbrella Stand£650 $836.42   €776.95 Arts And Crafts Copper Stick Stand, Umbrella StandElmgarden Arts And Crafts Beaten Copper Helmet Coal Scuttle £250 $321.7   €298.83 Arts And Crafts Beaten Copper Helmet Coal Scuttle Elmgarden
Early 19th Century Riveted Antique Copper Cauldron£575 $739.91   €687.3 Early 19th Century Riveted Antique Copper CauldronElmgarden Heavy Arts And Crafts Copper And Wrought Iron Log £595 $765.65   €711.2 Heavy Arts And Crafts Copper And Wrought Iron Log Elmgarden Arts And Crafts Copper Mirror With Enamel Roundels£2250 $2895.3   €2689.43 Arts And Crafts Copper Mirror With Enamel RoundelsArt Furniture Large Verdigris Copper Pot Planter£795 $1023.01   €950.26 Large Verdigris Copper Pot PlanterWillows Antiques & Interiors