20th Century Antique Treen

Found 570 For Sale and Sold    ( 126 for sale  444 sold )  
Art Deco Pair Of Wooden Glove Stretchers£28.00 $35.6   €33.82 Art Deco Pair Of Wooden Glove StretchersYore Antiques Folk Art Wooden Biscuit Mould£68.00 $86.47   €82.14 Folk Art Wooden Biscuit MouldYore Antiques Inlaid Treen Vesta£65 $82.65   €78.52 Inlaid Treen VestaRecess Antiques Oak Barleytwist Candle Sticks With Brass Mounts£120 $152.59   €144.96 Oak Barleytwist Candle Sticks With Brass MountsMansion House Antiques & Fine Art
A Pair Of Turned Wood Trays£40.00 $50.86   €48.32 A Pair Of Turned Wood TraysAntiques And Interiors Oak Barrel Decanter On Stand£155.00 $197.1   €187.24 Oak Barrel Decanter On StandBarnhill Trading Co. An Early 20th Century Decoy Duck£245 $311.54   €295.96 An Early 20th Century Decoy DuckOpus Antiques Various 18 & 19th Century Sycamore Spoons  Various 18 & 19th Century Sycamore SpoonsOpus Antiques
Bulldog Brush Holder£475 $604.01   €573.8 Bulldog Brush HolderGeorgian Antiques 1930s Cigar Mould£75.00 $95.37   €90.6 1930's Cigar MouldBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Carved Black Forest Pipe Rack£195.00 $247.96   €235.56 Antique Carved Black Forest Pipe RackBarnhill Trading Co. Art Deco Oak Dish£95 $120.8   €114.76 Art Deco Oak DishAntiques Affair
Antique Blackforest Condiment Holder£195.00 $247.96   €235.56 Antique Blackforest Condiment HolderBarnhill Trading Co.  Antique Apprentice Chest Of Drawers£195.00 $247.96   €235.56 Antique Apprentice Chest Of DrawersBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Edwardian Oak Folding Boot Jack Boot Pull  Antique Edwardian Oak Folding Boot Jack Boot PullAntique Furniture Direct Decoy Duck Edwardian Bluebill Treen Folk Art C1900£145 $184.38   €175.16 Decoy Duck Edwardian Bluebill Treen Folk Art C1900Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Pair Of Vintage Solid Teak Lidded Pots / Canisters£35 $44.51   €42.28 Pair Of Vintage Solid Teak Lidded Pots / CanistersLucian Linnell Vintage A Large Coopered Dairy Bowl £235 $298.83   €283.88 A Large Coopered Dairy Bowl Anthony House Antiques 1930s Hat Block (2)£264 $335.7   €318.91 1930s Hat Block (2)D And A Binder Ltd 1930s Hat Block (1)£252 $320.44   €304.42 1930s Hat Block (1)D And A Binder Ltd
1950s Hat Block£144 $183.11   €173.95 1950s Hat BlockD And A Binder Ltd Large Folk Art Decoy Duck  Large Folk Art Decoy DuckWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Early 20th C. Wooden Scottie Dog Bookends£40 $50.86   €48.32 Pair Of Early 20th C. Wooden Scottie Dog BookendsBurnell And Rowe Set Of Two Ebony Dressing Table Pots, C.1900-20£30 $38.15   €36.24 Set Of Two Ebony Dressing Table Pots, C.1900-20Burnell And Rowe
Early 20th Century Ebony Shoe Horn£12 $15.26   €14.5 Early 20th Century Ebony Shoe HornBurnell And Rowe Unique Large Burr Elm Bowl   Unique Large Burr Elm Bowl Millers Antiques Of Wooler Folk Art Pigeon Decoy   Folk Art Pigeon Decoy Brian Knapp Antiques Rare Antique Welsh Love Spoon Chain Lovespoon  Rare Antique Welsh Love Spoon Chain LovespoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques