20th Century Antique Treen

Found 570 For Sale and Sold    ( 126 for sale  444 sold )  
Wooden Hands On Square Bases£78 $99.18   €94.22 Wooden Hands On Square BasesD And A Binder Ltd Carved Wood Leopard Seal Letter Opener, 1900s £45 $57.22   €54.36 Carved Wood Leopard Seal Letter Opener, 1900s Forte Antiques York Folk Art Duck Napkin Rings£48 $61.04   €57.98 Folk Art Duck Napkin RingsPark Lane Antiques Antique Letterpress Printing Blocks£48 $61.04   €57.98 Antique Letterpress Printing BlocksPark Lane Antiques
Vintage Wooden Clarks Shoe Lasts£75 $95.37   €90.6 Vintage Wooden 'Clarks' Shoe LastsPark Lane Antiques Pair Of Antique Shoe Lasts, English, Beech, £295 $375.12   €356.36 Pair Of Antique Shoe Lasts, English, Beech, London Fine Antiques Pair Of Art Deco Nut Canisters£100 $127.16   €120.8 Pair Of Art Deco Nut CanistersPlanet Antiques Hard Carved Wooden Scottie Dog, C.1930s£30 $38.15   €36.24 Hard Carved Wooden Scottie Dog, C.1930sBurnell And Rowe
Reclaimed Industrial Pulley£195 $247.96   €235.56 Reclaimed Industrial PulleyWorboys Antiques And Clocks A Hard Wood Hinged And Lockable Bottle Holder£95.00 $120.8   €114.76 A Hard Wood Hinged And Lockable Bottle HolderAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Vintage Decorative Mould, English, Two-Piece£265 $336.97   €320.12 Vintage Decorative Mould, English, Two-PieceLondon Fine Antiques Antique Decorative Oak Panel.£75 $95.37   €90.6 Antique Decorative Oak Panel.Victorian Four Poster Beds
Vintage German Wooden Souvenir Lidded Bowl£45.00 $57.22   €54.36 Vintage German Wooden Souvenir Lidded BowlYore Antiques Oat Rolling Crusher £55.00 $69.94   €66.44 Oat Rolling Crusher Havard And Havard Antique Coconut Shell Spoon£38.00 $48.32   €45.9 Antique Coconut Shell SpoonYore Antiques Antique Nordic Wedding Cup£35.00 $44.51   €42.28 Antique Nordic Wedding CupYore Antiques
Ice Bucket Designed By Jens Quistgaard, For Dansk £320 $406.91   €386.56 Ice Bucket Designed By Jens Quistgaard, For Dansk Art Furniture Sale On.  Antique Oriental Hardwood Stand£25.00 $31.79   €30.2 Sale On. Antique Oriental Hardwood StandBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On. Edwardian Wooden Shoe Trees / Stretchers£35.00 $44.51   €42.28 Sale On. Edwardian Wooden Shoe Trees / StretchersBarnhill Trading Co. Fruitwood Grain Scoop£130.00 $165.31   €157.04 Fruitwood Grain ScoopLemon Tree Antiques
Antique Set Of Six Treen Spools£60.00 $76.3   €72.48 Antique Set Of Six Treen SpoolsYore Antiques Oriental Hardwood Stand£38.00 $48.32   €45.9 Oriental Hardwood StandBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Carved Mahogany Bowl£55.00 $69.94   €66.44 Antique Carved Mahogany BowlBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Wooden Tramp Ware Small Container£38.00 $48.32   €45.9 Antique Wooden Tramp Ware Small ContainerYore Antiques
Vintage Oriental Hardwood Stands£65.00 $82.65   €78.52 Vintage Oriental Hardwood StandsBarnhill Trading Co. 1950’s Australian Sassafras Auctioneers Block£180 $228.89   €217.44 1950’s Australian Sassafras Auctioneers BlockHeirlooms By Lawrence ANRI Carved Bottle Stopper£35.00 $44.51   €42.28 ANRI Carved Bottle StopperBarnhill Trading Co. Small Round Tartan Ware Box £75 $95.37   €90.6 Small Round Tartan Ware Box Tyrrell Antiques