Victorian Antique Silver Plated

Found 1377 For Sale and Sold    ( 234 for sale  1143 sold )  
Antique Elkington & Co. Ice Bucket - 1871£330 $413.26   €396.1 Antique Elkington & Co. Ice Bucket - 1871Puckerings Antiques Antique English Silver Plated Tea Caddy C.1890  Antique English Silver Plated Tea Caddy C.1890Puckerings Antiques Antique Breakfast & Tea Set In Silver Plate£295 $369.43   €354.09 Antique Breakfast & Tea Set In Silver PlatePuckerings Antiques Antique English Silver Plated Toast And Egg Cruet £170 $212.89   €204.05 Antique English Silver Plated Toast And Egg Cruet Puckerings Antiques
Antique English Silver Plated Covered Fruit Dish £595 $745.12   €714.18 Antique English Silver Plated Covered Fruit Dish Puckerings Antiques English Cut Crystal And Silver Plated Biscuit Box  English Cut Crystal And Silver Plated Biscuit BoxPuckerings Antiques  Antique English Biscuit Box By Walker & Hall£330 $413.26   €396.1 Antique English Biscuit Box By Walker & HallPuckerings Antiques  Stag Handled Oak & Silver Plated Salad Bowl £795 $995.58   €954.24 Stag Handled Oak & Silver Plated Salad Bowl Puckerings Antiques
Antique Sheffield Plate Egg Cups  Antique Sheffield Plate Egg CupsJill And Stephen Kember Decorative Antiques English Revolving Butter Dish In Silver Plate £530 $663.72   €636.16 English Revolving Butter Dish In Silver Plate Puckerings Antiques Antique Cut Crystal And Silver Plated Biscuit Box  Antique Cut Crystal And Silver Plated Biscuit BoxPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Salver 12" Mappin And Webb  Silver Plated Salver 12" Mappin And WebbAgnes Fox Antiques
Antique Automated Silver Plated Breakfast Dish£435 $544.75   €522.13 Antique Automated Silver Plated Breakfast DishPuckerings Antiques Antique English Revolving Breakfast Dish - 1871£435 $544.75   €522.13 Antique English Revolving Breakfast Dish - 1871Puckerings Antiques Carving Set  - Victorian Five Piece  Carving Set - Victorian Five PieceAgnes Fox Antiques Set Three Graduated Silver Plated Salvers / Trays   Set Three Graduated Silver Plated Salvers / Trays Puckerings Antiques
Large Antique English Coopered Oak Water Jug 1882£770 $964.27   €924.23 Large Antique English Coopered Oak Water Jug 1882Puckerings Antiques English Silver Plate & Mother Of Pearl Jam Spoons£100 $125.23   €120.03 English Silver Plate & Mother Of Pearl Jam SpoonsPuckerings Antiques Scarce Antique English Silver Plated Biscuit Box  Scarce Antique English Silver Plated Biscuit BoxPuckerings Antiques Antique Crystal & Silver Plated Biscuit Box C.1880£635 $795.21   €762.19 Antique Crystal & Silver Plated Biscuit Box C.1880Puckerings Antiques
Small Antique English Silver Plated Tureen C.1880  Small Antique English Silver Plated Tureen C.1880Puckerings Antiques Antique English Silver Plated Breakfast Cruet £330 $413.26   €396.1 Antique English Silver Plated Breakfast Cruet Puckerings Antiques  Antique English Oak & Silver Plate Water Jug£665 $832.78   €798.2 Antique English Oak & Silver Plate Water JugPuckerings Antiques Rare Antique English Novelty Cruet In Silver Plate£665 $832.78   €798.2 Rare Antique English Novelty Cruet In Silver PlatePuckerings Antiques
Antique Art Nouveau Bottle Holder In Silver Plate£295 $369.43   €354.09 Antique Art Nouveau Bottle Holder In Silver PlatePuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Tea Urn Samovar£165 $206.63   €198.05 Silver Plated Tea Urn SamovarChapman Antiques Top Quality Victorian Polished Oak Tantalus£595 $745.12   €714.18 Top Quality Victorian Polished Oak TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique English Boxed Cake Knife £285 $356.91   €342.09 Antique English Boxed Cake Knife Puckerings Antiques