Retro Antique Silver Plated

Found 164 For Sale and Sold    ( 50 for sale  114 sold )  
Italian Lino Sabattini Cocktail Shaker C.1960  Italian Lino Sabattini Cocktail Shaker C.1960Puckerings Antiques Hermes, Paris - Equestrian / Horse Letter Opener  Hermes, Paris - Equestrian / Horse Letter OpenerPuckerings Antiques Lino Sabattini For Christofle - Cocktail Shaker  Lino Sabattini For Christofle - Cocktail ShakerPuckerings Antiques Mauro Manetti, Italy - Owl Ice Bucket C.1960  Mauro Manetti, Italy - Owl Ice Bucket C.1960Puckerings Antiques
Mid-Century Silver Plate Cream Jug, C.1950s/60s£15 $19.36   €17.86 Mid-Century Silver Plate Cream Jug, C.1950s/60sBurnell And Rowe Modernist Danish Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C1960  Modernist Danish Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C1960Puckerings Antiques Vintage Silver Plated Berry Spoon  Vintage Silver Plated Berry SpoonThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Vintage Mappin & Webb Silver Plated Galleried Tray  Vintage Mappin & Webb Silver Plated Galleried TrayPuckerings Antiques
Silver Plated Belt & Buckle Box By Maria Pergay  Silver Plated Belt & Buckle Box By Maria PergayPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Decorative Plate By Valenti, Spain  Silver Plated Decorative Plate By Valenti, SpainPuckerings Antiques Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler By Ercuis  Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler By ErcuisPuckerings Antiques Christofle, Paris - Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler  Christofle, Paris - Champagne Bucket / Wine CoolerPuckerings Antiques
Christofle Gallia Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler  Christofle Gallia Champagne Bucket / Wine CoolerPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Ice Bucket / Pail By Elkington & Co.  Silver Plated Ice Bucket / Pail By Elkington & Co.Puckerings Antiques Christofle Gallia, Paris, Silver Plated Ice Bucket  Christofle Gallia, Paris, Silver Plated Ice BucketPuckerings Antiques Recipe Cocktail Shaker By MACABO, Italy  Recipe Cocktail Shaker By MACABO, ItalyPuckerings Antiques
Vintage Silver Plated Spill Vase, Arthur Price £15 $19.36   €17.86 Vintage Silver Plated Spill Vase, Arthur Price Burnell And Rowe Silver Plated And Glass Ice Pail / Bucket, 14cm£98 $126.46   €116.68 Silver Plated And Glass Ice Pail / Bucket, 14cmJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Vintage Silver Plated Crossed Muskets Toast Rack£175 $225.82   €208.36 Vintage Silver Plated Crossed Muskets Toast RackBurnell And Rowe Vintage Silver Plated 3 Piece Tea Set, C.1950s-70s£50 $64.52   €59.53 Vintage Silver Plated 3 Piece Tea Set, C.1950s-70sBurnell And Rowe
Pair Danish Silver Plated Candlesticks Hans Jensen£30 $38.71   €35.72 Pair Danish Silver Plated Candlesticks Hans JensenBurnell And Rowe Silver Plated Wine Bottle Coaster, Barker - Ellis£25 $32.26   €29.77 Silver Plated Wine Bottle Coaster, Barker - EllisBurnell And Rowe Gucci Silver Plated Bottle Opener - Jockeys Cap  Gucci Silver Plated Bottle Opener - Jockey's CapPuckerings Antiques Rare Horse Head Napkin Rings By Hermes, Paris  Rare Horse Head Napkin Rings By Hermes, ParisPuckerings Antiques
Christofle Paris Large Champagne Bucket £925 $1193.62   €1101.31 Christofle Paris Large Champagne Bucket Deco Interiors Vintage Garrard Canteen Of 6 Place Cutlery £550 $709.72   €654.83 Vintage Garrard Canteen Of 6 Place Cutlery Deco Interiors Luc Lanel For Christofle Gallia Champage Bucket  Luc Lanel For Christofle Gallia Champage BucketPuckerings Antiques Lancel Paris In The Manner Of Maria Pergay Silver Plated Box  Lancel Paris In The Manner Of Maria Pergay Silver Plated BoxPuckerings Antiques