Retro Antique Silver Plated

Found 164 For Sale and Sold    ( 50 for sale  114 sold )  
Mid 20th Century Burgundy Decanter Label£20 $25.81   €23.81 Mid 20th Century Burgundy Decanter LabelRecess Antiques Cassetti, Firenze - Pair Insulated Wine Coolers£995 $1283.95   €1184.65 Cassetti, Firenze - Pair Insulated Wine CoolersPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Tea Set Designed By Eric Clements £150 $193.56   €178.59 Silver Plated Tea Set Designed By Eric Clements Art Furniture Silver Plated Champagne Bucket£295 $380.67   €351.23 Silver Plated Champagne BucketChurch Street Antiques
Italian Pumpkin Ice Bucket By Teghini, Florence£495 $638.75   €589.35 Italian Pumpkin Ice Bucket By Teghini, FlorencePuckerings Antiques Italian Wine Bottle Carrier - Lino Sabattini C1970£995 $1283.95   €1184.65 Italian Wine Bottle Carrier - Lino Sabattini C1970Puckerings Antiques Rare Italian Lino Sabattini Vodka / Cocktail Set £1095 $1412.99   €1303.71 Rare Italian Lino Sabattini Vodka / Cocktail Set Puckerings Antiques Hermes, Paris - Rare Double Horse Bit Vide Poche £1350 $1742.04   €1607.31 Hermes, Paris - Rare Double Horse Bit Vide Poche Puckerings Antiques
Liberty & Co. - Pair Silver Plated Candlesticks£395 $509.71   €470.29 Liberty & Co. - Pair Silver Plated CandlesticksPuckerings Antiques Modernist Italian Wine Cooler / Champagne Bucket £1295 $1671.07   €1541.83 Modernist Italian Wine Cooler / Champagne Bucket Puckerings Antiques Lino Sabatinni For Christofle, Paris - Wine Cooler£795 $1025.87   €946.53 Lino Sabatinni For Christofle, Paris - Wine CoolerPuckerings Antiques Modernist Cocktail Shaker By Orfevrerie Christofle£495 $638.75   €589.35 Modernist Cocktail Shaker By Orfevrerie ChristoflePuckerings Antiques
Silver Plated Oyster / Toddy Ladle£45 $58.07   €53.58 Silver Plated Oyster / Toddy LadleIn The Shepherds Hut Hermes Cordage Bottle Opener In Silver Plate C1960£950 $1225.88   €1131.07 Hermes Cordage Bottle Opener In Silver Plate C1960Puckerings Antiques Lino Sabatinni For Christofle, Paris C.1960 Ice Bucket £595 $767.79   €708.41 Lino Sabatinni For Christofle, Paris C.1960 Ice Bucket Puckerings Antiques Lino Sabattini / Christofle Gallia - Cocktail Jug£595 $767.79   €708.41 Lino Sabattini / Christofle Gallia - Cocktail JugPuckerings Antiques
WMF Silverplate Leaf Shape Tray£58.00 $74.84   €69.05 WMF Silverplate Leaf Shape TrayYore Antiques Vintage Silver Plated Berry Spoon£12 $15.48   €14.29 Vintage Silver Plated Berry SpoonThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge 1960s German Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker £395 $509.71   €470.29 1960's German Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker Puckerings Antiques Silver Plated Ladle£30 $38.71   €35.72 Silver Plated LadleRoger Dixon Antiques And Upholstery
3 Victorian Style Silver-plated Desk Clips£195 $251.63   €232.17 3 Victorian Style Silver-plated Desk ClipsBaldwyn Antiques Silver Plate Mirrored Top Wedding Cake Stand£295.00 $380.67   €351.23 Silver Plate Mirrored Top Wedding Cake StandTwojays Corner Antiques Mid-Century Silver Plate Mug, Mappin & Webb£35 $45.16   €41.67 Mid-Century Silver Plate Mug, Mappin & WebbBurnell And Rowe Mid-Century Silver Plate Drinks Tray, Viners£35 $45.16   €41.67 Mid-Century Silver Plate Drinks Tray, Viner'sBurnell And Rowe
Vintage Silver Plate Soup Ladle, Christofle£45 $58.07   €53.58 Vintage Silver Plate Soup Ladle, ChristofleBurnell And Rowe Gucci, Italy - Rare Set Six Figural Stirrup Cups   Gucci, Italy - Rare Set Six Figural Stirrup Cups Puckerings Antiques Mid-Century Silver Plate Toast Rack, Mappin & Webb£20 $25.81   €23.81 Mid-Century Silver Plate Toast Rack, Mappin & WebbBurnell And Rowe Mid-Century Silver Plate Candelabrum, IANTHE£35 $45.16   €41.67 Mid-Century Silver Plate Candelabrum, IANTHEBurnell And Rowe