
Found 524 For Sale and Sold    ( 142 for sale  382 sold )  
LNWR Signal Box Lever Plate£22 $27.43   €26.29 LNWR Signal Box Lever PlateRecess Antiques LNWR Signal Box Lever Plate£22 $27.43   €26.29 LNWR Signal Box Lever PlateRecess Antiques LNWR Signal Box Lever Plate£25 $31.17   €29.88 LNWR Signal Box Lever PlateRecess Antiques LNWR Signal Box Lever Plate£25 $31.17   €29.88 LNWR Signal Box Lever PlateRecess Antiques
GWR Great Western Railway Hotels Tea Pot£55 $68.57   €65.73 GWR Great Western Railway Hotels Tea PotRecess Antiques Carnforth F & M Jcn Signal Box Lever Plate "16"£45 $56.1   €53.78 Carnforth F & M Jcn Signal Box Lever Plate "16"Recess Antiques Stevens Brass Signal Box Lever Plate No. 7£40 $49.87   €47.8 Stevens Brass Signal Box Lever Plate No. 7Recess Antiques GNR Lever Plate "2 Points To Siding"£45 $56.1   €53.78 GNR Lever Plate "2 Points To Siding"Recess Antiques
GNR Lever Plate " 1 Point Lock To Points"£45 $56.1   €53.78 GNR Lever Plate " 1 Point Lock To Points"Recess Antiques GNR Great Northern Railway Bridge Plate No. 4£130 $162.07   €155.36 GNR Great Northern Railway Bridge Plate No. 4Recess Antiques GNR Great Northern Railway Bridge Plate 1£130 $162.07   €155.36 GNR Great Northern Railway Bridge Plate 1Recess Antiques GWR Brass Signal Box Plunger "39"£145 $180.77   €173.29 GWR Brass Signal Box Plunger "39"Recess Antiques
LMS Bridge Plate Number 4£130 $162.07   €155.36 LMS Bridge Plate Number 4Recess Antiques L&NWR Viaduct Plate No. 3£120 $149.6   €143.41 L&NWR Viaduct Plate No. 3Recess Antiques L&NWR Bridge Plate Number 1£130 $162.07   €155.36 L&NWR Bridge Plate Number 1Recess Antiques L&NWR Mintons Cream/Milk Jug And Sugar Bowl£38 $47.37   €45.41 L&NWR Minton's Cream/Milk Jug And Sugar BowlRecess Antiques
L&NWR Refreshment Room Dept. Tea Pot£95 $118.44   €113.53 L&NWR Refreshment Room Dept. Tea PotRecess Antiques L&NWR Dining Saloons Tea Pot£155 $193.24   €185.24 L&NWR Dining Saloons Tea PotRecess Antiques Port Of London Authority WW1 War Service Badge£195 $243.11   €233.04 Port Of London Authority WW1 War Service BadgeRecess Antiques London & North Western Railway Spirit Measure£35 $43.63   €41.83 London & North Western Railway Spirit MeasureRecess Antiques
Furness Railway Spirit Measure£35 $43.63   €41.83 Furness Railway Spirit MeasureRecess Antiques Southern Railway One Person Tea Pot£75 $93.5   €89.63 Southern Railway One Person Tea PotRecess Antiques Southern Railway Chatham Section Milk/Cream Jug£35 $43.63   €41.83 Southern Railway Chatham Section Milk/Cream JugRecess Antiques Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway WW1 Service Badge£135 $168.3   €161.34 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway WW1 Service BadgeRecess Antiques
Great Central Railway WW1 Railway Service Badge£135 $168.3   €161.34 Great Central Railway WW1 Railway Service BadgeRecess Antiques South Eastern & Chatham Railway WW1 Service Badge£195 $243.11   €233.04 South Eastern & Chatham Railway WW1 Service BadgeRecess Antiques Brass Uniform Armband Town Railway Porter No. 2£265 $330.38   €316.7 Brass Uniform Armband Town Railway Porter No. 2Recess Antiques North Eastern Railway Whistle£60 $74.8   €71.71 North Eastern Railway WhistleRecess Antiques