Found 524 For Sale and Sold ( 142 for sale 382 sold )
$81.04 €77.68
LMS Carthorse BucklesRecess Antiques
$137.14 €131.46
GWR Warning HornRecess Antiques
$68.57 €65.73
LMS Steamers Chamber PotRecess Antiques
$81.04 €77.68
GNR Refreshment Dept. Peterborough Tea Pot Recess Antiques
$87.27 €83.66
Great Northern Railway Dining Car Tea PotRecess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
LNER Foot WarmerRecess Antiques
$105.97 €101.58
LMS HandbellRecess Antiques
$168.3 €161.34
Great Eastern Railway Mirror (GER)Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
LMS Bridgeplate "9" Cast IronRecess Antiques
$224.41 €215.12
West Riding And Grimsby Railway Bridge Plate 1Recess Antiques
$74.8 €71.71
BR(E) Station Masters Wired Cap BadgeRecess Antiques
$74.8 €71.71
Late19th/Early 20th Century GWR Guard's WhistleRecess Antiques
A Large, Round Whistle SignPaul Hardy Antiques
$342.84 €328.65
London & North Western Railway Beware Of TrainsRecess Antiques
$280.51 €268.9
GW&LNWJtRys Fasten Gate NoticeRecess Antiques
$280.51 €268.9
GWR Booking Office DoorplateRecess Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
LB&SCR Signal Box Brass PlungerRecess Antiques
$87.27 €83.66
Midland Railway Detonator CanisterRecess Antiques
$180.77 €173.29
GWR Telephone Circuit CardRecess Antiques
$2231.59 €2139.23
London Underground Silhouette Canada Water SignUniqueitemsGB
London Underground Holborn Station 24" Enamel SignUniqueitemsGB
London Underground Aldersgate & Barbican RoundelUniqueitemsGB
London Underground Bounds Green 60" Roundel EnamelUniqueitemsGB
1930s London Underground Destination Plate Enamel UniqueitemsGB
Southern Railway Parcels & Cloakroom Enamel Sign UniqueitemsGB
London Underground Bayswater Station Roundel SignUniqueitemsGB
London Underground Marble Arch Station Roundel UniqueitemsGB
$2462.23 €2360.32
London Underground Earls Court Station Enamel SignUniqueitemsGB