
Found 524 For Sale and Sold    ( 142 for sale  382 sold )  
London Underground Holland Park Statin Enamel Sign  London Underground Holland Park Statin Enamel SignUniqueitemsGB LMS Bridge Plate No. 72£120 $149.6   €143.41 LMS Bridge Plate No. 72Recess Antiques C. L. Ry Cheshire Lines Railway BridgePlate No 122£195 $243.11   €233.04 C. L. Ry Cheshire Lines Railway BridgePlate No 122Recess Antiques L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 63£120 $149.6   €143.41 L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 63Recess Antiques
L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 42£120 $149.6   €143.41 L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 42Recess Antiques L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 18£120 $149.6   €143.41 L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 18Recess Antiques L&NWR Co Bridge Plate No. 17£120 $149.6   €143.41 L&NWR Co Bridge Plate No. 17Recess Antiques LSWR "Penalty For Not Shutting Gate £2" Sign£120 $149.6   €143.41 LSWR "Penalty For Not Shutting Gate £2" SignRecess Antiques
GWR Locomotive Cab Notice£395 $492.45   €472.06 GWR Locomotive Cab NoticeRecess Antiques Shed Plate C Warwick Milverton & Stourbridge£195 $243.11   €233.04 Shed Plate C Warwick Milverton & StourbridgeRecess Antiques L&NWR Miniature Book Rates Of Pay & Conditions£45 $56.1   €53.78 L&NWR Miniature Book Rates Of Pay & ConditionsRecess Antiques Yorkshire North Riding Bridge Plate 490£38 $47.37   €45.41 Yorkshire North Riding Bridge Plate 490Recess Antiques
1920s PORTER LUGGAGE TROLLEY£192 $239.37   €229.46 1920s PORTER LUGGAGE TROLLEYD And A Binder Ltd Edwardian Railway Signal Box Block  Instrument £275 $342.84   €328.65 Edwardian Railway Signal Box 'Block' Instrument Michael Allcroft Antiques Signal Box Lever Plates PULL 9 & PULL 14£85 $105.97   €101.58 Signal Box Lever Plates PULL 9 & PULL 14Recess Antiques Vintage British Railways Enamel Totem Cap Badge ER£35 $43.63   €41.83 Vintage British Railways Enamel Totem Cap Badge ERRecess Antiques
Vintage British Railways Enamel Totem Cap BadgeNER£35 $43.63   €41.83 Vintage British Railways Enamel Totem Cap BadgeNERRecess Antiques Vintage British Rail Enamel Totem Cap Badge WR£35 $43.63   €41.83 Vintage British Rail Enamel Totem Cap Badge WRRecess Antiques Vintage BR Enamel Totem Cap Badge LMR£35 $43.63   €41.83 Vintage BR Enamel Totem Cap Badge LMRRecess Antiques Great Western Railway Propping Up Doors Notice£165 $205.71   €197.19 Great Western Railway Propping Up Doors NoticeRecess Antiques
Vintage British Rail Fishtail Porter Cap Badge£45 $56.1   €53.78 Vintage British Rail Fishtail Porter Cap BadgeRecess Antiques Vintage British Rail Porter Fishtail Cap Badge£45 $56.1   €53.78 Vintage British Rail Porter Fishtail Cap BadgeRecess Antiques Vintage British Rail Fishtail Porter Cap Badge£45 $56.1   €53.78 Vintage British Rail Fishtail Porter Cap BadgeRecess Antiques Early Live Steam Locomotive£290 $361.54   €346.58 Early Live Steam LocomotiveSaltwood Antiques
A Really Rare Find  G.W.R. Railway Map (1940s)£135 $168.3   €161.34 A Really Rare Find G.W.R. Railway Map (1940's)Those Were The Days 19th Century Beech Wood Station Porters Barrow  19th Century Beech Wood Station Porters BarrowWalton House Antiques French Art Deco Style Hat And Coat Rack, Pullman   French Art Deco Style Hat And Coat Rack, Pullman Elmgarden Permanent Way Institution Enameled Fob Or Pendant£15 $18.7   €17.93 Permanent Way Institution Enameled Fob Or PendantRecess Antiques