16th Century Antiques
Found 503 For Sale and Sold ( 96 for sale )
Elizabeth I, Joined Oak Chest, England, Circa 1580Nicholas Harrison Antiques
16th Century, Iron Bound Chest, Flemish, C. 1540Nicholas Harrison Antiques
16th Century, Iron Bound Casket, French, C. 1540Nicholas Harrison Antiques
$1162.33 €1128.32
Japanese Katana CAG Militaria
$1774.08 €1722.17
Coffer Chest Rare 16th Century Oak RenaissanceCloverleaf Home Interiors
Medieval Candle StickAntiquities And Artefacts
$1835.25 €1781.55
A Chinese Cauldron Possibly Ming Period.Youngs Antiques
$1192.91 €1158.01
16th Century Ornate Carved Oak CupboardWishbarn Antiques
16th Century Carved Oak EscutcheonElmgarden
Italian Renaissance Cedar Box On Later StandPrometheus Antiques
Tudor Silver Clothing Fastener Collect The Past
$605.63 €587.91
A Welsh Oak Pig Bench.Anthony House Antiques
Rare Elizabeth I Oak Table Cabinet, Circa 1580Nicholas Harrison Antiques
$2073.83 €2013.15
Carved Oak Upholstered French King Size Bed The Vintage Interiors
$4832.83 €4691.42
Impressive Carved Walnut French Armoire The Vintage Interiors
Elizabeth I, Oak Livery Cupboard, England, 1600Nicholas Harrison Antiques
CcCollect The Past
$3670.5 €3563.1
Two 16th Century German/Swiss Halberds. Youngs Antiques
$917.63 €890.78
A Large Late 16th- Early 17thC Chinese Swatow WareYoungs Antiques
Medieval Knife - Dagger Baselard Type Single Edge.Collect The Past
Elizabethan Pewter Slip Top Spoon Collect The Past
Rare Elizabeth I, Oak Refectory Table, Circa 1580Nicholas Harrison Antiques
Henry Viii Romayne Oak Panels, Circa 1530-1550Nicholas Harrison Antiques
$2263.48 €2197.25
Chest Rare Cypress Wood Italian 16th Century C1580Cloverleaf Home Interiors
16th Century Armour BackplateCollect The Past
$3670.5 €3563.1
A Large Early 16th Century Linenfold Coffer.Youngs Antiques
Henry VIII, Linenfold Oak Chest, English, C. 1540Nicholas Harrison Antiques
$1829.13 €1775.61
Welsh CofferMouse House Antiques