Antique Lighting

Found 19679 For Sale and Sold    ( 3645 for sale  16034 sold )  
An Edwardian Brass Candlstick Lamp Base£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 An Edwardian Brass Candlstick Lamp BaseHavard And Havard Pr Table Lamps - P3098£220 $283.6   €262.17 Pr Table Lamps - P3098Courtyard Antiques Table Lamp - P3096£175 $225.59   €208.55 Table Lamp - P3096Courtyard Antiques Brass Centre Light  Brass Centre LightLimited Editions
Carved Black Forest Wall Sconces£295 $380.28   €351.55 Carved Black Forest Wall SconcesFernyhough Antiques Novelty Japanese Satsuma Table Lamp£295 $380.28   €351.55 Novelty Japanese Satsuma Table LampAgnes Fox Antiques Antique Brass Twin Oil Lamp   Antique Brass Twin Oil Lamp Artsoutine Arts And Antiques Large Pair Of French 7 Light Wall Sconce  Large Pair Of French 7 Light Wall SconceO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors
Pair 5-Light Silver Plated Candelabra£395 $509.19   €470.72 Pair 5-Light Silver Plated CandelabraAgnes Fox Antiques Art Deco Globe Chrome Ceiling Light  Art Deco Globe Chrome Ceiling LightLavender Hill Antiques A Good Wooden Flemish Chandelier  A Good Wooden Flemish ChandelierVictorian Four Poster Beds Flemish Chandelier  Flemish ChandelierVictorian Four Poster Beds
Flemish Chandelier  Flemish ChandelierVictorian Four Poster Beds Single Italian Triple Light Wall Sconce  Single Italian Triple Light Wall SconceO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors Flemish Chandelier  Flemish ChandelierVictorian Four Poster Beds Victorian Spelter Lamp Figure  Victorian Spelter Lamp FigureShackladys Antiques
9 Branch Chandalier£175 $225.59   €208.55 9 Branch ChandalierFernyhough Antiques Good 9 Branch Chandalier£150 $193.37   €178.76 Good 9 Branch ChandalierFernyhough Antiques 20th Century Iron Floor Lamp.  RefR901  20th Century Iron Floor Lamp. RefR901Prichard Antiques 19th Century Mahogany Candlestick.  19th Century Mahogany Candlestick.Prichard Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Candlestick  Georgian Mahogany CandlestickPrichard Antiques Brass Chandelier  Brass ChandelierPrichard Antiques Flemish Chandelier Circa 1930s  Flemish Chandelier Circa 1930sVictorian Four Poster Beds Flemish Chandelier  Flemish ChandelierVictorian Four Poster Beds
Pair Of Gilt Metal Lights£ 420 $541.42   €500.51 Pair Of Gilt Metal LightsChurch Street Antiques Floor Standing Lamp - P3027£245 $315.83   €291.97 Floor Standing Lamp - P3027Courtyard Antiques Floor Standing Lamp - P3039£245 $315.83   €291.97 Floor Standing Lamp - P3039Courtyard Antiques Pair 18th Century Wedgewood Lustres £1800.00 $2320.38   €2145.06 Pair 18th Century Wedgewood Lustres Imperial Antiques