Silver Antique Lighting
Found 397 For Sale and Sold ( 90 for sale 307 sold )
$403.39 €391.01
Silver Plated Oil Lamp Walker & HallWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
$1551.5 €1503.88
Early 20thC Silver Plated Candlestick LampChurch Street Antiques
$434.42 €421.09
An Edwardian Small Corinthian Column LampAntique Architectural Brass
$242.03 €234.6
Late 19thC Hukin & Heath Arts & Crafts Table LampSignature Antiques
$136.53 €132.34
Sheffield Silver Plate Chamber CandlestickMichael Armson Antiques
$161.36 €156.4
Pair Of Sheffield Silver Plated CandlesticksMichael Armson Antiques
$1551.5 €1503.88
Early 20thC Silver Plated Neoclassical Table LampChurch Street Antiques
$806.78 €782.02
Tall French Silver-plated Candlestick Table LampElmgarden
$192.39 €186.48
1930s Silver Plated Corinthian Column Table LampChapman Antiques
$1365.32 €1323.41
Mid-century Silver-plated Swing Arm LampsWillows Antiques & Interiors
$428.21 €415.07
Elegant Edwardian Silver Plated Table LampArt Furniture
$490.27 €475.22
Quality English Silver Plated Antique Table Lamp Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
$614.39 €595.53
Antique Silver Plated And Satin Glass Peg Oil LampUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$1042.61 €1010.6
A Pair Of Silver Floor Lamps With ShadesElmgarden
Edwardian Solid Silver CorinthianWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
$1055.02 €1022.64
Silver Plated French Triple Bouillotte Desk LampElmgarden
$1172.93 €1136.93
Antique Suit Of Five Silver Plated Candlesticks Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$2296.22 €2225.74
Pair Of Antique Quality Silver Plated CandlesticksLondon City Antiques
$490.27 €475.22
Candlesticks - Spring Loaded Candle HoldersSunnyside Antiques
$986.75 €956.46
Antique Victorian Oil Lamp By Hinks And Sons Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$850.22 €824.12
Victorian Candelabra And Candlestick SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$986.75 €956.46
Antique Pair Of Silver Plated CandlesticksLondon City Antiques
$84.4 €81.81
Pair Of Silver Candle ChambersticksSunnyside Antiques
$974.34 €944.43
Antique Pair Of Sheffield Plated CandelabrasLondon City Antiques
$490.27 €475.22
Early Silver Plated Antique Table Lamp By GECMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
$775.75 €751.94
Fine Antique Victorian Silver Plated Candelabra Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$986.75 €956.46
Super Pair Silver Plate Table LampsFernyhough Antiques
$968.14 €938.42
Victorian Silver Plated Neoclassical Table LampChurch Street Antiques