Antique Lighting

Found 19692 For Sale and Sold    ( 3645 for sale  16047 sold )  
Cast Iron Porch Lantern £195 $251.37   €232.38 Cast Iron Porch Lantern Fernyhough Antiques Lead Framed Coloured Glass Lantern £140 $180.47   €166.84 Lead Framed Coloured Glass Lantern Worboys Antiques And Clocks Arts And Crafts Lantern £245 $315.83   €291.97 Arts And Crafts Lantern Worboys Antiques And Clocks French Six Branch Chandelier £625 $805.69   €744.81 French Six Branch Chandelier Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Pair Of Italian Gilt Chandeliers £950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Pair Of Italian Gilt Chandeliers Worboys Antiques And Clocks Early 20th Century French Brass Hall Lantern £595 $767.01   €709.06 Early 20th Century French Brass Hall Lantern Worboys Antiques And Clocks Pair Napoleon III Ormolu Table Lamps Bronze£260 $335.17   €309.84 Pair Napoleon III Ormolu Table Lamps BronzeAntiques Affair Pair Art Nouveau Bedside Mantel Or Console Lamps  Pair Art Nouveau Bedside Mantel Or Console LampsAntiques Affair
19thc Pair Of French Speltre Lamps  19thc Pair Of French Speltre LampsLVS Decorative Arts Pair Of Table Lamps£850 $1095.74   €1012.95 Pair Of Table LampsChurch Street Antiques A Late Victorian Brass Telescopic Table Lamp£295.00 $380.28   €351.55 A Late Victorian Brass Telescopic Table LampHavard And Havard Pair Art Nouveau Bedside/mantel/Console Lamps  Pair Art Nouveau Bedside/mantel/Console LampsAntiques Affair
Napoleon III Copper And Brass Lamp£280 $360.95   €333.68 Napoleon III Copper And Brass LampAntiques Affair Antique Desk Bankers Lamp In Brass  Antique Desk Bankers Lamp In BrassAntiques Affair A Large Pair Of Iron Candle Sticks Or Torchère  A Large Pair Of Iron Candle Sticks Or TorchèreElmgarden French 1800s Converted Oil Lamp£425 $547.87   €506.47 French 1800's Converted Oil LampAntiques Affair
Pair Napoleon III Ormolu Girandoles£495 $638.1   €589.89 Pair Napoleon III Ormolu GirandolesAntiques Affair 1850s Standard Telescopic Lamp£420 $541.42   €500.51 1850's Standard Telescopic LampAntiques Affair Decorative Iron Standard Lamp   Decorative Iron Standard Lamp Eras Of Style French Gilded Single Light Birdcage Chandelier  French Gilded Single Light Birdcage ChandelierO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors
Mid 20th Century Unusual Waterfall Chandelier  Mid 20th Century Unusual Waterfall ChandelierTH Chandeliers Mid 20th Century Bag Chandelier  Mid 20th Century Bag ChandelierTH Chandeliers Mid 20th Century Bag Chandelier  Mid 20th Century Bag ChandelierTH Chandeliers Early 20th Century Tent & Bag Chandelier  Early 20th Century Tent & Bag ChandelierTH Chandeliers
1960s Bag Chandelier With Icicles  1960's Bag Chandelier With IciclesTH Chandeliers 1960s Tent & Bag Chandelier  1960's Tent & Bag ChandelierTH Chandeliers Late Victorian Waterfall Chandelier  Late Victorian Waterfall ChandelierTH Chandeliers 1930s Bag Style Chandelier  1930's Bag Style ChandelierTH Chandeliers