20th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 630 For Sale and Sold    ( 186 for sale  444 sold )  
Large Oval Iron Game Hanger, Kitchen Utensils  Large Oval Iron Game Hanger, Kitchen UtensilsElmgarden A Georgian Oak Cutlery Tray£145 $184.14   €175.62 A Georgian Oak Cutlery TrayAnthony House Antiques Late 19th Or Early 20th Century Lipwork Basket.£105 $133.34   €127.18 Late 19th Or Early 20th Century Lipwork Basket.Anthony House Antiques Vintage Viners Cutlery Set  Vintage Viners Cutlery SetCeltic Antiques
Vintage Enamel Haricot Bean Container £55 $69.84   €66.62 Vintage Enamel Haricot Bean Container Retropolis Antiques & Vintage Vintage Enamel Flour Tub£65 $82.54   €78.73 Vintage Enamel Flour TubRetropolis Antiques & Vintage Happy Maid Vegetable Rack  Happy Maid Vegetable RackArt Furniture Kent Knife Polisher For Harrods Of London  Kent Knife Polisher For Harrods Of LondonSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
Hand Operated Cream Separator £200 $253.98   €242.24 Hand Operated Cream Separator Ale House Antiques Antique Edwardian Brass Trivet£105 $133.34   €127.18 Antique Edwardian Brass TrivetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Dragonflies Bowl£120 $152.39   €145.34 Dragonflies BowlArundel Eccentrics Birds On A Vintage Pot£120 $152.39   €145.34 Birds On A Vintage PotArundel Eccentrics
Antique Cafe (coffee) Tin  Antique Cafe (coffee) TinArt Furniture Kitchen Chopping Block£695 $882.58   €841.78 Kitchen Chopping BlockPeppermill Interiors Georgian Copper One Gallon Harvest Ale Jug   Georgian Copper One Gallon Harvest Ale Jug Welsh Vernacular Antiques Vintage Treen Beech Wood Chopping Board  Vintage Treen Beech Wood Chopping BoardWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Mid Century Teak Fruit Bowl.£95 $120.64   €115.06 Mid Century Teak Fruit Bowl.Michael Allcroft Antiques Antique Sycamore Bread Board Chopping Treen  Antique Sycamore Bread Board Chopping TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques  Aluminium  Step Ladder£285.00 $361.92   €345.19 Aluminium Step LadderQuest Antiques And Interiors Stunning Large Antique Flour Bin  Stunning Large Antique Flour BinWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Vintage Pestle And Mortar£55 $69.84   €66.62 Vintage Pestle And MortarCourtyard Antiques Vintage Party Serving Turntable, Chinese, Ceramic£975 $1238.15   €1180.92 Vintage Party Serving Turntable, Chinese, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Blacksmith Made Iron Game Hanger, Kitchen Utensil   Blacksmith Made Iron Game Hanger, Kitchen Utensil Elmgarden Art Deco French Fork Set , C1930£245 $311.13   €296.74 Art Deco French Fork Set , C1930Deco-World
French Yellow Enamel Coffee Pot  French Yellow Enamel Coffee PotTwojays Corner Antiques Vintage Enamel Flour Bin  Vintage Enamel Flour BinTwojays Corner Antiques Flour Bin Storage  Container Dog Food Sto£295 $374.62   €357.3 Flour Bin Storage Container Dog Food StoPeppermill Interiors Vintage Washing Machine£495 $628.6   €599.54 Vintage Washing MachinePeppermill Interiors