20th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 630 For Sale and Sold    ( 186 for sale  444 sold )  
Danish Teak Rotating Spice Wheel / Rack, 12 Jars  Danish Teak Rotating Spice Wheel / Rack, 12 JarsLucian Linnell Vintage Lovely Set Of French Food Canisters  Lovely Set Of French Food CanistersElmgarden Antique Brass Copper Pitcher£58.00 $74.63   €69.33 Antique Brass Copper PitcherYore Antiques Vintage Copper Kettle£65 $83.64   €77.69 Vintage Copper KettleFlemish Chandeliers
Vintage Table Top Nader Copper Bain Marie  £150 $193.02   €179.3 Vintage Table Top Nader Copper Bain Marie Elmgarden Mid Century Bamboo Fruit Bowl / Basket, 1950s/60s £25 $32.17   €29.88 Mid Century Bamboo Fruit Bowl / Basket, 1950s/60s Lucian Linnell Vintage Salters Improved No 50 Family Scales£145 $186.59   €173.32 Salters Improved No 50 Family ScalesArt Furniture Wicker Basket Bottle Carrier£155 $199.45   €185.27 Wicker Basket Bottle CarrierArt Furniture
Decorative Vegetable Garden Scales  £345 $443.95   €412.38 Decorative Vegetable Garden Scales Elmgarden Edwardian Brass Bound Oak Jug£250 $321.7   €298.83 Edwardian Brass Bound Oak JugSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Edwardian Brass Bound Oak Jug£225 $289.53   €268.94 Edwardian Brass Bound Oak JugSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Vintage Pyrex Glass Rolling Pin£38.00 $48.9   €45.42 Vintage Pyrex Glass Rolling PinYore Antiques
Antique Edwardian Art Nouveau Tea Caddy £59 $75.92   €70.52 Antique Edwardian Art Nouveau Tea Caddy Select Antiques French Art Deco Bread Box£75.00 $96.51   €89.65 French Art Deco Bread BoxDecodreamers Set Librasco Brass Balance Scales & All Weights£220.00 $283.1   €262.97 Set Librasco Brass Balance Scales & All WeightsStudio RT Ltd  Large Antique Copper Lidded Pot Hayward & Towell£575 $739.91   €687.3 Large Antique Copper Lidded Pot Hayward & TowellLondon City Antiques
Antique Large Hand Painted Copper Cider Or Ale Jug£760 $977.97   €908.43 Antique Large Hand Painted Copper Cider Or Ale JugRobert Belcher Antiques A Large Galvanised Housemaid’s Bucket£225 $289.53   €268.94 A Large Galvanised Housemaid’s BucketElmgarden Henry Loveridge Art Nouveau Kettle & Stand 1903£220 $283.1   €262.97 Henry Loveridge Art Nouveau Kettle & Stand 1903Penrose Antiques Vintage French Wine Cage£375 $482.55   €448.24 Vintage French Wine CageSmiths Vintage
Large Copper Kettle With Tilt Handle£120 $154.42   €143.44 Large Copper Kettle With Tilt HandleMiddletons Antiques Vintage Bread Board£95.00 $122.25   €113.55 Vintage Bread BoardSunnyside Antiques Mid Century Mouseman Oak Cheeseboard. £450 $579.06   €537.89 Mid Century Mouseman Oak Cheeseboard. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Vintage Wooden Butter Dish£38.00 $48.9   €45.42 Vintage Wooden Butter DishYore Antiques
Quality Antique Edwardian Large Brass Trivet £245 $315.27   €292.85 Quality Antique Edwardian Large Brass Trivet Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Set Of 5 Vintage Kitchen Canisters, English£495 $636.97   €591.67 Set Of 5 Vintage Kitchen Canisters, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Butchers Balance Scales, Advertising Palethorpes’ £1250 $1608.5   €1494.13 Butchers Balance Scales, Advertising Palethorpes’ Elmgarden    Travelers  Sample  Of A   Galvanized Bucket.£95 $122.25   €113.55 Travelers Sample Of A Galvanized Bucket.Michael Allcroft Antiques