20th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 630 For Sale and Sold    ( 186 for sale  444 sold )  
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Antique Biscuit Tin, English, Shop, Edwardian£145 $184.14   €175.62 Antique Biscuit Tin, English, Shop, EdwardianLondon Fine Antiques Squirrel NUT CRACKER£35 $44.45   €42.39 Squirrel NUT CRACKERThose Were The Days Old French Nestle Polished Aluminum Milk Churn  Old French Nestle Polished Aluminum Milk ChurnHobson May Collection Victor England Cast Iron Book Stand£40 $50.8   €48.45 Victor England Cast Iron Book StandMad House Oldies
Kleen Kitchen Ware Pots. Currants, Sultanas, Etc£245 $311.13   €296.74 Kleen Kitchen Ware Pots. Currants, Sultanas, EtcAntiques & Chic Rare Antique Huntley & Palmers Globe Biscuit Tin£180.00 $228.58   €218.02 Rare Antique Huntley & Palmers Globe Biscuit TinMad House Oldies Rare Portmeirion Dolphin Design Flour Shaker  Rare Portmeirion Dolphin Design Flour ShakerIn The Shepherds Hut Horses Decorated Pot£120 $152.39   €145.34 Horses Decorated PotArundel Eccentrics
Antique Hand Painted Butter Churn And Scales Barge Ware£380.00 $482.56   €460.26 Antique Hand Painted Butter Churn And Scales Barge WareMad House Oldies Vintage Manual Coffee Grinder, Continental, C.1940£395 $501.61   €478.42 Vintage Manual Coffee Grinder, Continental, C.1940London Fine Antiques French Clothes Airer , Drying Rack  French Clothes Airer , Drying RackTwojays Corner Antiques Country Kitchen Cast Iron Egg Holder£65 $82.54   €78.73 Country Kitchen Cast Iron Egg HolderPark Lane Antiques
Tole Flour Bin  Tole Flour BinNethermill Antiques Old French Nestle Polished Metal Milk Churn  Old French Nestle Polished Metal Milk ChurnHobson May Collection Set Of Scales. Brass Pan & Some Weights£20 $25.4   €24.22 Set Of Scales. Brass Pan & Some WeightsThose Were The Days An Old Set Of Shop Scales With Weights.£20 $25.4   €24.22 An Old Set Of Shop Scales With Weights.Those Were The Days
1950s Vintage Cona Coffee Maker, Vacuum , Percolat  1950s Vintage Cona Coffee Maker, Vacuum , PercolatElmgarden Cast Metal Novelty Figural Dog Nut Crackers, C1930£175 $222.23   €211.96 Cast Metal Novelty Figural Dog Nut Crackers, C1930Curious Antiques Antique Cobblers Carry Tray, English, Mahogany£685 $869.88   €829.67 Antique Cobbler's Carry Tray, English, MahoganyLondon Fine Antiques Large United Dairies Copper Milk Churn  Large United Dairies Copper Milk ChurnPrometheus Antiques
Danish Hors Doeuvres Tray  Danish Hors D'oeuvres TrayCeltic Antiques Jens Quistgaard For Dansk Teak Tray  Jens Quistgaard For Dansk Teak TrayCeltic Antiques Linton Design Dog Shaped Nutcracker  Linton Design Dog Shaped NutcrackerCeltic Antiques A Rowntrees Tin--Pastilles. Clean And Rare£28 $35.56   €33.91 A Rowntrees Tin--Pastilles. Clean And RareThose Were The Days
Set Of 4 French Copper Skillet, Grattan Dishes  Set Of 4 French Copper Skillet, Grattan DishesElmgarden An Edwardian Bread Basket£450 $571.46   €545.04 An Edwardian Bread BasketBlank Canvas Antiques French Steel Wine Cage£360 $457.16   €436.03 French Steel Wine CageD And A Binder Ltd 20thC Lacquered Tea Canister£480 $609.55   €581.38 20thC Lacquered Tea CanisterBlank Canvas Antiques
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