20th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 630 For Sale and Sold    ( 186 for sale  444 sold )  
Antique United Yeast Co. Ltd. Bread Or Sack Scales£135.00 $173.72   €161.37 Antique United Yeast Co. Ltd. Bread Or Sack ScalesSlades Antiques 19th Century Wooden Thermos Field Kitchen Food War  19th Century Wooden Thermos Field Kitchen Food WarElmgarden Vintage Pine Extending Ladder   Vintage Pine Extending Ladder Eras Of Style Vintage Housemaids Box£145 $186.59   €173.32 Vintage Housemaid's BoxCourtyard Antiques
Vintage Housemaids Bucket£45 $57.91   €53.79 Vintage Housemaid's BucketCourtyard Antiques Huge Over Sized Hand Carved Village Dough Trough£195 $250.93   €233.08 Huge Over Sized Hand Carved Village Dough TroughAntiques On Sea Vintage 1950s Mouseman Carved Oak Breadboard.£250 $321.7   €298.83 Vintage 1950's Mouseman Carved Oak Breadboard.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Large Oak Brass Bound Jug  Large Oak Brass Bound JugBridgend Antiques
Set Of French Graduated Copper Saucepans£125.00 $160.85   €149.41 Set Of French Graduated Copper SaucepansMelbourne Antiques Carel Van Laere Leiden Pig & Piglets Mould£40.00 $51.47   €47.81 Carel Van Laere Leiden Pig & Piglets MouldAlan Eady Antiques  Carel Van Laere Leiden Holland False Teeth Mould£45 $57.91   €53.79 Carel Van Laere Leiden Holland False Teeth MouldAlan Eady Antiques  Carel Van Laere Leiden "Trussed Chicken" Mould£35.00 $45.04   €41.84 Carel Van Laere Leiden "Trussed Chicken" MouldAlan Eady Antiques
Vintage Pestle And Mortar£34 $43.75   €40.64 Vintage Pestle And MortarCourtyard Antiques French Wine Cage - 100 Bottle Capacity£400 $514.72   €478.12 French Wine Cage - 100 Bottle CapacityCamden Antiques French Metal Lockable 200 Bottle Wine Cage£350 $450.38   €418.36 French Metal Lockable 200 Bottle Wine CageMemory Lane Antiques Antique French Soda Syphon Blue Glass From St Etie  Antique French Soda Syphon Blue Glass From St EtieElmgarden
French Soda Syphon Blue Glass, Lambezellec, Brest   French Soda Syphon Blue Glass, Lambezellec, Brest Elmgarden Rare TG Green Cornishware Rolling Pin£45.00 $57.91   €53.79 Rare TG Green Cornishware Rolling PinMelbourne Antiques 1920s Pine Ladder£240 $308.83   €286.87 1920s Pine LadderDavid Binder Ltd A Pair Of Tea Urns, Great Decorative Pieces.£20 $25.74   €23.91 A Pair Of Tea Urns, Great Decorative Pieces.Limited Editions
Victorian Cast Iron Kettle And Pouring Jack  Victorian Cast Iron Kettle And Pouring JackRed House Antiques Big Art Deco “Hille’s Beschuit” Grocers Biscuit Tin  Big Art Deco “Hille’s Beschuit” Grocers Biscuit TinElmgarden Eight Vintage Soda Syphons  Eight Vintage Soda SyphonsKadensek And Ward Copper Jelly Mould Of A Horse.c.1910-30£39.00 $50.19   €46.62 Copper Jelly Mould Of A Horse.c.1910-30Goodwin Antiques
Mouseman Cheese Board£235 $302.4   €280.9 Mouseman Cheese BoardCourtyard Antiques Cheeseboard With Carved Mouse  Cheeseboard With Carved MouseArt Furniture Coppered Milk Churn£125.00 $160.85   €149.41 Coppered Milk ChurnTwojays Corner Antiques Original Tall Coppered Milk Churn.£125.00 $160.85   €149.41 Original Tall Coppered Milk Churn.Twojays Corner Antiques