English Antique Seals

Found 35 For Sale and Sold    ( 12 for sale  23 sold )  
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Antique Traveling Inkwell£30 $37.77   €36.23 Antique Traveling InkwellKim Antiques Antique Carnelian Intaglio Of A Faun£220 $276.98   €265.72 Antique Carnelian Intaglio Of A FaunSW15 Collectables Antique Blue John Seal£225 $283.28   €271.76 Antique Blue John SealSelect Antiques Georgian Turned Wood Seal Box And Wax Seal,19th C£45 $56.66   €54.35 Georgian Turned Wood Seal Box And Wax Seal,19th CForte Antiques York
Playing Cats / Kittens - Gilded Bronze Desk Set£3000 $3777   €3623.4 Playing Cats / Kittens - Gilded Bronze Desk SetPuckerings Antiques A Seal With Mother Of Pearl Handle£42 $52.88   €50.73 A Seal With Mother Of Pearl HandleThose Were The Days An Old Letter Seal With Two Sticks Of Wax.£35 $44.07   €42.27 An Old Letter Seal With Two Sticks Of Wax.Curio Cabinet Antiques An Unusual Victorian Walnut Inkstand £585 $736.52   €706.56 An Unusual Victorian Walnut Inkstand The Dorking Desk Shop
Superb Regency Rosewood Desk Wax Seal£195 $245.51   €235.52 Superb Regency Rosewood Desk Wax SealOsbourne Antiques Stunning Georgian Ebony And Gold Desk Wax Seal£350 $440.65   €422.73 Stunning Georgian Ebony And Gold Desk Wax SealOsbourne Antiques Gold Victorian Fob Seal£245 $308.46   €295.91 Gold Victorian Fob SealAntique Furniture Glasgow Antique Gold And Agate Desk Seal, Wax Seal£329 $414.21   €397.37 Antique Gold And Agate Desk Seal, Wax SealStolen Attic
19th Century Gilt Metal Fob Seal£125 $157.38   €150.98 19th Century Gilt Metal Fob SealGuy Ellis Antiques Georgian Lignum Vitae Desk Wax Seal  Georgian Lignum Vitae Desk Wax SealOsbourne Antiques Unusual 19th Century Horn Wax Seal  Unusual 19th Century Horn Wax SealOsbourne Antiques Georgian Carnelian Carved Seal Engraved Fearless  Georgian Carnelian Carved Seal Engraved 'Fearless'Woodbridge Antiques
Antique Desk Seal As A Nude Female Diver£97.00 $122.12   €117.16 Antique Desk Seal As A Nude Female DiverTerrier Antiques Nice Georgian Glass Sander & Ink Pot - Circa 1820  Nice Georgian Glass Sander & Ink Pot - Circa 1820Kingsdown Antiques John Ditchfield Paperweight £265 $333.64   €320.07 John Ditchfield Paperweight Decades Of Antiques Antique Silver Wax Seal With Wax 1901  Antique Silver Wax Seal With Wax 1901The Vintage Compact Shop
Delightful Late Victorian Agate Seal£50 $62.95   €60.39 Delightful Late Victorian Agate SealOsbourne Antiques George V Solid Silver & Rose Quartz Wax Seal£150 $188.85   €181.17 George V Solid Silver & Rose Quartz Wax SealOsbourne Antiques Unusual Owl And Lapis Lazuli Desk Seal.c.1900  Unusual 'Owl' And Lapis Lazuli Desk Seal.c.1900Goodwin Antiques Georgian Lignum Vitae Seal   Georgian Lignum Vitae Seal Martin And Dorothy Harper Antiques
Oak & Silver Plate Novelty Equestrian Letter Clip  Oak & Silver Plate Novelty Equestrian Letter ClipPuckerings Antiques Silver Plate Desk Set By Hukin And Heath C.1900£330 $415.47   €398.57 Silver Plate Desk Set By Hukin And Heath C.1900Puckerings Antiques Antique Novelty Dog In Kennel Inkwell / Desk Set  Antique Novelty Dog In Kennel Inkwell / Desk SetPuckerings Antiques Antique Wax Desk Seal & Box £100 $125.9   €120.78 Antique Wax Desk Seal & Box Artsoutine Arts And Antiques
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