Antique Caskets

Found 445 For Sale and Sold    ( 92 for sale  353 sold )  
Antique French Limoges Enamel Jewelry Box C.1850£1475 $1909.54   €1747.58 Antique French Limoges Enamel Jewelry Box C.1850Puckerings Antiques Victorian Clover Shaped Inkwell£750 $970.95   €888.6 Victorian Clover Shaped InkwellGeorgian Antiques Victorian Figured Walnut Domed Top Brass Decorated Casket£220 $284.81   €260.66 Victorian Figured Walnut Domed Top Brass Decorated CasketE.W. Cousins And Son Antiques Antique Silver Casket C1910£298 $385.79   €353.07 Antique Silver Casket C1910Afonwen Antique Centre
A Late 19th Cenbtury Continental Silver Casket£470.00 $608.46   €556.86 A Late 19th Cenbtury Continental Silver CasketSmugglers Cottage Antiques And Interiors Late Georgian Regency Work Casket.£750 $970.95   €888.6 Late Georgian Regency Work Casket.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Antique Ships Box .£360.00 $466.06   €426.53 Antique Ships Box .Arcadia Jewellery / Trinket Box£245.00 $317.18   €290.28 Jewellery / Trinket BoxJohn Howkins Antiques
Gilt Metal & Mother-of-Pearl Scent Casket C1870£1650 $2136.09   €1954.92 Gilt Metal & Mother-of-Pearl Scent Casket C1870Church Street Antiques Green Man Carved Oak Gothic Revival Casket  Green Man Carved Oak Gothic Revival CasketPrometheus Antiques Antique Ornate Jewellery Box, Keepsake German, £2850 $3689.61   €3376.68 Antique Ornate Jewellery Box, Keepsake German, London Fine Antiques Limoges Medieval Casket Figure  Limoges Medieval Casket FigureAntiquities And Artefacts
Ca.1905 Arts & Crafts Brass & Enamel Jewellery Box£275 $356.02   €325.82 Ca.1905 Arts & Crafts Brass & Enamel Jewellery BoxSignature Antiques Arts & Crafts Newlyn Style Sea Creature Metal Box£145 $187.72   €171.8 Arts & Crafts Newlyn Style Sea Creature Metal BoxSignature Antiques Antique Brass & Wooden Box With A Hinged Lid£45 $58.26   €53.32 Antique Brass & Wooden Box With A Hinged LidKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables Pair Of Arts & Crafts Archibald Knox Inspired Tins  Pair Of Arts & Crafts Archibald Knox Inspired TinsRed House Antiques
Superb Early Victorian Coromandel Scent Bottle Box  Superb Early Victorian Coromandel Scent Bottle BoxSturmans Antiques Ltd Brass Fern Mounted Walnut Jewellery Box C.1880  Brass Fern Mounted Walnut Jewellery Box C.1880Puckerings Antiques A Carved And Guided Jewellery Casket£190.00 $245.97   €225.11 A Carved And Guided Jewellery CasketAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Arts & Crafts Carved Oak Casket   Arts & Crafts Carved Oak Casket Levels Antiques
Georgian Burr Yew And Oak Jewellery Casket C. 1825£790 $1022.73   €935.99 Georgian Burr Yew And Oak Jewellery Casket C. 1825Webberley Antiques Victorian Walnut & Agate Cabochon Casket / Box  Victorian Walnut & Agate Cabochon Casket / BoxHarrington Antiques Pretty Art Nouveau Silver Jewellery Box £145 $187.72   €171.8 Pretty Art Nouveau Silver Jewellery Box The Fancy Fox Small Antique French Palais Royal Casket  Small Antique French Palais Royal CasketJohn Howkins Antiques
Viking Bronze Raven Mount  Viking Bronze Raven MountAntiquities And Artefacts Fine Quality Box In Solid Marble  Fine Quality Box In Solid MarblePrometheus Antiques Victorian Burr Walnut Ladies Casket  Victorian Burr Walnut Ladies CasketSturmans Antiques Ltd Tartanware Perfume Casket Clan Stuart.£2750 $3560.15   €3258.2 Tartanware Perfume Casket 'Clan Stuart'.Roger Thorley Antiques - Restorations