Antique Caskets

Found 445 For Sale and Sold    ( 92 for sale  353 sold )  
Colonial Dome Top Tin Casket£195 $252.45   €231.04 Colonial Dome Top Tin CasketWorboys Antiques And Clocks Fine Kingwood And Ormolu Mounted Box£1595 $2064.89   €1889.76 Fine Kingwood And Ormolu Mounted BoxS W Muggeridge Antiques Fine French Malachite And Bronze Jewellery Box£6000 $7767.6   €7108.8 Fine French Malachite And Bronze Jewellery BoxPuckerings Antiques Alfred Beurdeley Stamped Jewellery Casket On Stand£40000 $51784   €47392 Alfred Beurdeley Stamped Jewellery Casket On StandWimbledon Furniture Ltd
Arts And Crafts Casket By A E Jones £650 $841.49   €770.12 Arts And Crafts Casket By A E Jones Art Furniture French Art Nouveau Gilt Metal Casket, C1880£295 $381.91   €349.52 French Art Nouveau Gilt Metal Casket, C1880Curious Antiques  Brass And Copper Casket & Spill Holder, C1890£295 $381.91   €349.52 Brass And Copper Casket & Spill Holder, C1890Curious Antiques 19th Century Perfume Casket In Rosewood£490.00 $634.35   €580.55 19th Century Perfume Casket In RosewoodAlphington Antiques And Fine Art
Antique Silver Jewellery Casket, Art Nouveau £449 $581.28   €531.98 Antique Silver Jewellery Casket, Art Nouveau Stolen Attic Antique Sterling Silver Jewellery Casket, Box£319 $412.98   €377.95 Antique Sterling Silver Jewellery Casket, BoxStolen Attic Large Capodimonte - Style Porcelain Jewellery Box£695 $899.75   €823.44 Large Capodimonte - Style Porcelain Jewellery BoxTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts 19th Century Nettoor Petti-Keral Wedding Dowry Box£420.00 $543.73   €497.62 19th Century Nettoor Petti-Keral Wedding Dowry BoxAlphington Antiques And Fine Art
Antique Table Top Portable Sewing Box£100 $129.46   €118.48 Antique Table Top Portable Sewing BoxPlanet Antiques Substantial Tramp Art Casket Box£199 $257.63   €235.78 Substantial Tramp Art Casket BoxPlanet Antiques A Fabulous Very Unusual Silver Coloured Metal Jewel Casket£380.00 $491.95   €450.22 A Fabulous Very Unusual Silver Coloured Metal Jewel CasketAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Antique Japanese Cased Saki Flasks£895.00 $1158.67   €1060.4 Antique Japanese Cased Saki FlasksAlphington Antiques And Fine Art
Stunning  19th Century Ormolu Casket.£1295 $1676.51   €1534.32 Stunning 19th Century Ormolu Casket.Michael Allcroft Antiques French Cut Crystal And Ormolu Box - Gilded Eagle £1295 $1676.51   €1534.32 French Cut Crystal And Ormolu Box - Gilded Eagle Puckerings Antiques Micro Mosaic Box£265.00 $343.07   €313.97 Micro Mosaic BoxOffbeat Interiors Large Oval Brass Lidded Log Casket£480 $621.41   €568.7 Large Oval Brass Lidded Log CasketHarrison Antique Furniture
Carved French Fruitwood Trunk - Perfume Box C.1880£1895 $2453.27   €2245.2 Carved French Fruitwood Trunk - Perfume Box C.1880Puckerings Antiques Antique Medieval Style Brass Casket£195.00 $252.45   €231.04 Antique Medieval Style Brass CasketBarnhill Trading Co. Victorian Dutch Silver Wedding Casket.c.1880/90£185.00 $239.5   €219.19 Victorian Dutch Silver Wedding Casket.c.1880/90Goodwin Antiques Victorian Dutch Silver Wedding Casket.c.1880/90£185.00 $239.5   €219.19 Victorian Dutch Silver Wedding Casket.c.1880/90Goodwin Antiques
Antique Cast Brass Medieval Style Casket £245.00 $317.18   €290.28 Antique Cast Brass Medieval Style Casket Barnhill Trading Co. Large Antique Solid Silver Casket London 1891£360 $466.06   €426.53 Large Antique Solid Silver Casket London 1891Blackwood Antiques Georgian Tea Caddy£425 $550.21   €503.54 Georgian Tea CaddySunnyside Antiques Sevres Style Porcelain Jewel Casket Box Circa 1900£275.00 $356.02   €325.82 Sevres Style Porcelain Jewel Casket Box Circa 1900Studio RT Ltd