Officers Swords

Found 409 For Sale and Sold    ( 90 for sale  319 sold )  
George V Infantry Officers Sword By Wilkinson  George V Infantry Officers Sword By WilkinsonChristopher Walker Antiques Large Military Portrait Dated 1946£545 $686.16   €658.25 Large Military Portrait Dated 1946Collinge Antiques Early 20th Century Rare Polish NCOs Sword   Early 20th Century Rare Polish NCOs Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian 1845 Rifle Officers Sword £290 $365.11   €350.26 Victorian 1845 Rifle Officers Sword P.N.V Antiques
Victorian 1845 Pattern Infantry Officer Sword£250 $314.75   €301.95 Victorian 1845 Pattern Infantry Officer SwordP.N.V Antiques 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword + Knot  1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword + KnotChristopher Walker Antiques Edward VII Royal Marines Officer Sword£300 $377.7   €362.34 Edward VII Royal Marines Officer SwordP.N.V Antiques 1796 Cavalry Officers Sword With Blue/gilt Blade   1796 Cavalry Officers Sword With Blue/gilt Blade Christopher Walker Antiques
1730 Pattern English Basket Hilted Cavalry Sword  1730 Pattern English Basket Hilted Cavalry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques George V Infantry Officers Sword In Scabbard  George V Infantry Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 1796 Pattern British Officers Sword £1350 $1699.65   €1630.53 1796 Pattern British Officers Sword CAG Militaria Japanese World War 2 NCO Sword  Matching Numbers£725 $912.78   €875.66 Japanese World War 2 NCO Sword Matching NumbersCAG Militaria
1796 Infantry Officers Sword £285 $358.82   €344.22 1796 Infantry Officers Sword Smiths Vintage George IV Infantry Officers Sword In Scabbard  George IV Infantry Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques George VI Naval Officers Sword In Scabbard  George VI Naval Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 1827 Pat Rifle Officer’s Sword   1827 Pat Rifle Officer’s Sword Smiths Vintage
1822 Infantry Officers Sword£275 $346.23   €332.15 1822 Infantry Officers SwordSmiths Vintage George VI RASC Officers Sword In Scabbard  George VI RASC Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian 1845 Pattern Officers Sword   Victorian 1845 Pattern Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian Scots Guards Officers Sword By Pillin  Victorian Scots Guards Officers Sword By PillinChristopher Walker Antiques
Irish 1827 Rifle Officer Sword Casualty £900 $1133.1   €1087.02 Irish 1827 Rifle Officer Sword Casualty KOE Antiques Scottish 1828 Patt Victorian Officers Sword£1250 $1573.75   €1509.75 Scottish 1828 Patt Victorian Officers SwordKOE Antiques Rare Edward VIII Infantry Officers Sword-Wilkinson  Rare Edward VIII Infantry Officers Sword-WilkinsonChristopher Walker Antiques Belgian Infantry Officers Sword£220 $276.98   €265.72 Belgian Infantry Officers SwordSaltwood Antiques
French M1822 Light Cavarly Officers Sword£290 $365.11   €350.26 French M1822 Light Cavarly Officers SwordSaltwood Antiques Victorian Belgian Officers Sword£250 $314.75   €301.95 Victorian Belgian Officers SwordSaltwood Antiques Saxony M1867 Infantry Officers Sword£265 $333.64   €320.07 Saxony M1867 Infantry Officers SwordSaltwood Antiques German Officers Sword £795 $1000.91   €960.2 German Officers Sword CAG Militaria