Mid 20th Century Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 408 For Sale and Sold    ( 107 for sale  301 sold )  
Rare Collins And Co Eagle Head Machete/ Sword 1880£445 $574.23   €529.82 Rare Collins And Co Eagle Head Machete/ Sword 1880Trade Antiques Naval Warrant Officers Sword Retailed By Cracknell£425 $548.42   €506.01 Naval Warrant Officers Sword Retailed By CracknellChristopher Walker Antiques World War II Medals And Badges.£115.00 $148.4   €136.92 World War II Medals And Badges.D.J. Massey And Son WW II  US M3 Fighting Knife£250 $322.6   €297.65 WW II US M3 Fighting KnifeSmiths Vintage
Royal Navy Clasp Knife Ww2£80 $103.23   €95.25 Royal Navy Clasp Knife Ww2Vladds Interiors German Police Short Sword£220 $283.89   €261.93 German Police Short SwordSaltwood Antiques WW2 Art Deco Trench Art£95 $122.59   €113.11 WW2 Art Deco Trench ArtVladds Interiors Rare Saw Back Bladed German Youth Knife & Scabbard£695 $896.83   €827.47 Rare Saw Back Bladed German Youth Knife & ScabbardSovereign Antiques
Rare German Youth Knife The Rare Trench Fighting £495 $638.75   €589.35 Rare German Youth Knife The Rare Trench Fighting Sovereign Antiques De Havilland Tiger Moth Propeller £4950 $6387.48   €5893.47 De Havilland Tiger Moth Propeller Sovereign Antiques Third Reich Sword£395 $509.71   €470.29 Third Reich SwordMichaels Militaria WW11 Italian Fascist Dagger £185 $238.72   €220.26 WW11 Italian Fascist Dagger Smiths Vintage
1942 British Army Jack Knife £75 $96.78   €89.3 1942 British Army Jack Knife Vladds Interiors Japanese 2WW Officers Sword£1850 $2387.24   €2202.61 Japanese 2WW Officers SwordSovereign Antiques Rare 2WW Hitler Youth Leaders Fighting Dagger£2495 $3219.55   €2970.55 Rare 2WW Hitler Youth Leaders Fighting DaggerSovereign Antiques German Soldiers Soft Cap 1939-45£295 $380.67   €351.23 German Soldiers Soft Cap 1939-45Sovereign Antiques
German Paratrooper Helmet£975 $1258.14   €1160.84 German Paratrooper HelmetSovereign Antiques Et 66 German Soldiers Steel Helmet Africa Corps Co£975 $1258.14   €1160.84 Et 66 German Soldiers Steel Helmet Africa Corps CoSovereign Antiques Adolph Hitler Taking The Salute Of The People£795 $1025.87   €946.53 Adolph Hitler Taking The Salute Of The PeopleSovereign Antiques No 5 Jungle Carbine Bayonet£245 $316.15   €291.7 No 5 Jungle Carbine BayonetSmiths Arms And Armour
Sykes Fairbairn 3rd Pattern.£160 $206.46   €190.5 Sykes Fairbairn 3rd Pattern.Smiths Arms And Armour British Officers 1943 Dismount Coat£250 $322.6   €297.65 British Officers 1943 Dismount CoatSovereign Antiques British Army Bergman Haversack SAS Or Commando£250 $322.6   €297.65 British Army Bergman Haversack SAS Or CommandoSovereign Antiques K-Bar Fighting Knife£350 $451.64   €416.71 K-Bar Fighting KnifeSmiths Arms And Armour
Fairbairn - Sykes Fignting Knife (Brass Hilt).£300 $387.12   €357.18 Fairbairn - Sykes Fignting Knife (Brass Hilt).Smiths Arms And Armour Deactivated 1941 Dated Berretta Pistol World War 2£575 $741.98   €684.6 Deactivated 1941 Dated Berretta Pistol World War 2CAG Militaria 1944 Military Jack Knife - Venture By H M Slater £35 $45.16   €41.67 1944 Military Jack Knife - Venture By H M Slater Emma Design - Antique Silver German 1950s Hunting / Fishing Knife With Sheath £75 $96.78   €89.3 German 1950s Hunting / Fishing Knife With Sheath CAG Militaria