Antique Furniture

Found 155705 For Sale and Sold    ( 21857 for sale  133848 sold )  
8 Off Mahogany  Dining Chairs  8 Off Mahogany Dining ChairsLimited Editions Revolving Desk Chair  Revolving Desk ChairLimited Editions Tub Chair  Tub ChairLimited Editions Pair Of Mahogany Wine Tables C1900£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Pair Of Mahogany Wine Tables C1900Church Street Antiques
antique£1675 $2115.19   €2030.94  3 Church Street Antiques (Finedon) antique£850.00 $1073.38   €1030.63  3 Church Street Antiques (Finedon) Late 19th Century Oak Hall Table£430 $543   €521.38 Late 19th Century Oak Hall TableChurch Street Antiques 19th Century Marble Top Centre Table£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 19th Century Marble Top Centre TableChurch Street Antiques
Edwardian Art Nouveau Mahogany Hallstand£1150 $1452.22   €1394.38 Edwardian Art Nouveau Mahogany HallstandChurch Street Antiques 18th Century Yorkshire Carved Oak Kist£1175 $1483.79   €1424.69 18th Century Yorkshire Carved Oak KistChurch Street Antiques Antique William IV Mahogany Linen Press£4350 $5493.18   €5274.38 Antique William IV Mahogany Linen PressChurch Street Antiques Victorian Burr Walnut Triple Wardrobe£3850 $4861.78   €4668.13 Victorian Burr Walnut Triple WardrobeChurch Street Antiques
Late 19th C Flemish Oak Bedside Cabinets£980 $1237.54   €1188.25 Late 19th C Flemish Oak Bedside CabinetsChurch Street Antiques George III  Chest On Chest£4950 $6250.86   €6001.88 George III Chest On ChestChurch Street Antiques 19th Century Bow Fronted Chest Of Drawer£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 19th Century Bow Fronted Chest Of DrawerChurch Street Antiques Edwardian Walnut Bedside Cabinet£380 $479.86   €460.75 Edwardian Walnut Bedside CabinetChurch Street Antiques
Mahogany Tall Chest Of Drawers£3400 $4293.52   €4122.5 Mahogany Tall Chest Of DrawersChurch Street Antiques antique   Artsoutine Arts And Antiques Edwardian Rosewood Floor  Bookshelves£1780 $2247.78   €2158.25 Edwardian Rosewood Floor BookshelvesChurch Street Antiques Edwardian Oak Desk In A Sheraton Style£950 $1199.66   €1151.88 Edwardian Oak Desk In A Sheraton StyleChurch Street Antiques
Victorian Mahogany Cupboard Bookcase£2650 $3346.42   €3213.13 Victorian Mahogany Cupboard BookcaseChurch Street Antiques Mid 18th C Mahogany Bureau Bookcase£7800 $9849.84   €9457.5 Mid 18th C Mahogany Bureau BookcaseChurch Street Antiques Edwardian Circular Revolving Bookcase£1650 $2083.62   €2000.63 Edwardian Circular Revolving BookcaseChurch Street Antiques Early Victorian Mahogany Bookshelves£2650 $3346.42   €3213.13 Early Victorian Mahogany BookshelvesChurch Street Antiques
Edwardian Mahogany & Inlaid Plant Stand£380 $479.86   €460.75 Edwardian Mahogany & Inlaid Plant StandChurch Street Antiques William IV Mahog Extending Dining Table£4950 $6250.86   €6001.88 William IV Mahog Extending Dining TableChurch Street Antiques William IV Mahogany Chiffonier£2450 $3093.86   €2970.63 William IV Mahogany ChiffonierChurch Street Antiques Victorian Figured Walnut Loo Table C1880£2850 $3598.98   €3455.63 Victorian Figured Walnut Loo Table C1880Church Street Antiques

 Antique Furniture