Antique Furniture

Found 155973 For Sale and Sold    ( 21874 for sale  134099 sold )  
Unusual Pair Of French Demi Lune Bedside Cabinets£925 $1197.51   €1095.94 Unusual Pair Of French Demi Lune Bedside CabinetsWorboys Antiques And Clocks Small Proportioned Solid Oak Coffer£295 $381.91   €349.52 Small Proportioned Solid Oak CofferWorboys Antiques And Clocks Pair Of French Oak Bedside Cabinets £490 $634.35   €580.55 Pair Of French Oak Bedside Cabinets Worboys Antiques And Clocks Edwardian Oak Wellington Style Chest Of Drawers £590 $763.81   €699.03 Edwardian Oak Wellington Style Chest Of Drawers Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Victorian Mahogany Bookcase£1950 $2524.47   €2310.36 Victorian Mahogany BookcaseSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Art Deco Burr Walnut Sideboard / Chest Of Drawers£2650 $3430.69   €3139.72 Art Deco Burr Walnut Sideboard / Chest Of DrawersMarylebone Antiques Victorian Walnut Writing Desk£1750 $2265.55   €2073.4 Victorian Walnut Writing DeskSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Set 8 Georgian Dining Chairs£950 $1229.87   €1125.56 Set 8 Georgian Dining ChairsMillers Antiques Of Wooler
Victorian Mahogany Breakfront Bookcase£2250 $2912.85   €2665.8 Victorian Mahogany Breakfront BookcaseSinclairs Antiques And Interiors  Flemish Carved Breakfront Glazed Bookcase£1290 $1670.03   €1528.39 Flemish Carved Breakfront Glazed BookcaseGeorgian Antiques Wonderful Pair Of Regency Style Burr Walnut £4850 $6278.81   €5746.28 Wonderful Pair Of Regency Style Burr Walnut Philip Hunt Antiques Burr Oak Corner Cabinet Yorkshire £750 $970.95   €888.6 Burr Oak Corner Cabinet Yorkshire Millers Antiques Of Wooler
Superb Pair Of Hepplewhite Style Mahogany Window Seats£1995 $2582.73   €2363.68 Superb Pair Of Hepplewhite Style Mahogany Window SeatsPhilip Hunt Antiques Pair Of Georgian Mahogany Console Tables£1495 $1935.43   €1771.28 Pair Of Georgian Mahogany Console TablesPhilip Hunt Antiques Striking Brass Inlaid Ebonised Round Centre Table£2250 $2912.85   €2665.8 Striking Brass Inlaid Ebonised Round Centre TableLT Antiques Large Oak Refectory Draw Leaf Dining Table£985 $1275.18   €1167.03 Large Oak Refectory Draw Leaf Dining TableThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
Regency Style Mahogany Breakfront Side Cabinet£1495 $1935.43   €1771.28 Regency Style Mahogany Breakfront Side CabinetPhilip Hunt Antiques Long English Victorian Solid Walnut Hall Bench£1450 $1877.17   €1717.96 Long English Victorian Solid Walnut Hall BenchNimbus Antiques William IV Rosewood Breakfast Tilt Top Table£1950.00 $2524.47   €2310.36 William IV Rosewood Breakfast Tilt Top TableLVS Decorative Arts Superb Quality Early 18thc Style Walnut Armchair£3950.00 $5113.67   €4679.96 Superb Quality Early 18thc Style Walnut ArmchairLVS Decorative Arts
Large 19th C Original Painted Pine Antique Box£395 $511.37   €468 Large 19th C Original Painted Pine Antique BoxMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd 18th C George III Period Oak Bureau£1980 $2563.31   €2345.9 18th C George III Period Oak BureauAnthony Short Antiques Ltd Very Rare Heals Letchworth Antique Side Table £895 $1158.67   €1060.4 Very Rare Heals Letchworth Antique Side Table Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd 18th Century English Ash Comb Back Windsor Chair£1575 $2039   €1866.06 18th Century English Ash Comb Back Windsor ChairLee Wright Antiques And Interiors
Pair Of 19th Century English Regency Armchairs£3400 $4401.64   €4028.32 Pair Of 19th Century English Regency ArmchairsLee Wright Antiques And Interiors 18th Century French Sycamore Farmhouse Table£5500 $7120.3   €6516.4 18th Century French Sycamore Farmhouse TableLee Wright Antiques And Interiors Late 16th Century Italian Chinoiserie Armchair£3200 $4142.72   €3791.36 Late 16th Century Italian Chinoiserie ArmchairLee Wright Antiques And Interiors 19th Century French Ebonised Pedestal Desk£3600 $4660.56   €4265.28 19th Century French Ebonised Pedestal DeskLee Wright Antiques And Interiors

 Antique Furniture